Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Social Media Marketing: The Key To A Strong Internet Presence

Social Media Marketing: The Key To A Strong Internet Presence

The internet is one of the biggest and most volatile markets ever created by man and it is still growing everyday. The opportunities created by having a website are limitless. Businesses and privately practicing professionals also look at websites as their link to the millions of internet users which increases every single day. From small to medium sized to huge online and offline companies consider the internet as one effective way to market their names, brands and images. However, the fact remains that with millions of sites, how does one keep their online presence on top of the others? The answer to this is in social bookmarking services and social media optimization services.

Social bookmarking services involve strategies related to search engine optimization. This concept, also called Web 2.0 Marketing, involves different techniques to increase a site’s search engine ranking and web social ranking thus driving up the traffic to your website. For most online businesses this also equals to hiking up sales and profits. Although the efficiency of social bookmarking is undeniable, many website owners and administrators do not know how to do this. While steps may be done to increase a website’s internet presence, others hire internet marketing experts because the processes and methods involved can be very time consuming.

With the concept of social bookmarking, website traffic and online presence is increased to the point that a significant rise in the rankings of major search engines like Google and Yahoo is created. The methods include creating of links to high Page Rank sites, directory listing and submissions, and even article submissions. Using social bookmarking for internet marketing is considered a must for every website that has serious intentions of creating high quality links from high quality sites.

Social media optimization, on the other hand, is closely related to social bookmarking. Although both of them are methods for search engine optimization, the concept of social media optimization is a bit different. Social media optimization or Web 2 Marketing Buzz involves the graphical design and optimization of the actual website in order to attract social networking users. Attracting social networks encourages them to bookmark your website, thus increasing the probability of being included in a wide and active network of internet users. This concept includes having attractive site graphics and layout that is perfect for the website’s targeted audience and readers. An example of social media optimization is when useful widgets like “Digg This” or “Add to” are added on the website’s strategic locations. Being socially media optimized can mean the rise of your website from simple existence to being part of the top ranking and most noticeable websites.

Both social bookmarking and social media optimization require work. It involves details and regular updating. The most practical and best way for a site to become search engine optimized is by acquiring both social bookmarking services and social media optimization services from experts in this field. Doing so would free the website owner and the administrator a lot of tedious and time consuming work while getting the desired benefits within a timeframe.

When looking for internet marketing experts, one can have many options depending on the desired results. Take a look at the packages offered and find one that suits your needs. Reading about the company’s background and accomplishments can give you an idea of how good and reliable it is.

By: searchrankpros

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Good Seo Gets Affordable

Good Seo Gets Affordable

Search engine optimization or SEO is the most red-hot method to drive targeted hits to your website. Increasing the benefits of a well optimized website will bear heaps of profits for the marketer. Yet, optimizing your web site may cost you thousands of bucks if you're not expert in this field.

Simply put, you may find info about cheap SEO anyplace on the Internet. But few actually reveal to you how to shape a low-cost SEO effort. Among those few is this report.

1. Link exchanges

One affordable SEO technique that may bring you top results is through link exchanges. Depending upon the sites that you'd care to exchange links with, this tool could be a freebie. Contact the WebMaster of the site you would like to exchange with. You'll be amazed with the ultimate spiking of your page ranking by practicing this way of website optimization.

2. Write or find key word rich content

Writing genuinely revealing and keyword-rich content is one surefire technique to make your Internet business more viewable than ever. Either you pen your own articles or you acquire them from article directories that permit you to post them on your website as long as you retain the resource box . But don't choke up your articles with keywords that even idiots would get bored reading . The readability and novelty of your content will be the foundation on whether your visitors will continue returning to your site or not.

3. Attention-getting Domain Name

What more effective way to get your target visitors to remember your website but with a really easy-to-recall domain name. Something short and sweet will prove to be invaluable. Registering your domain name is very inexpensive. But the value of creativity is priceless.

4. Engineer your site navigation

Furnishing simple steps to navigate your site is one way to help your visitors become at ease at your site. This will improve the flow of traffic to your website.

Inexpensive SEO is forever developing as is any other approach in information technology. There are plenty of methods that could very well land you in the top ten rankings of Google or on other search engines. Some could cost a lot but there are techniques that could yield similar results at a low cost or you may do yourself with little effort. These easy, yet very powerful techniques, outlined in this article are worth your time to get good at using on your websites.

By: Bob Kimball

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Boost Web Site Traffic Using Affiliate Programs

Boost Web Site Traffic Using Affiliate Programs

Have you ever heard of using affiliate programs to get a boost in targeted visitors to your web site? This can be an excellent web site traffic promotion to put visitors in touch with the products or services you have available on your site.

Let’s say you have a product you have created and are selling on your website for $97 (In this example the product will be an e-Book).

Visitors arriving on your site, pay $97, and can then download the e-Book. Your profit is $97 less any payment processing fees (credit card, etc).

With an affiliate program, you pay a commission for every sale of your product or service that is made by a referral of your affiliate. You pay for results only, no sales means no payment.

This means you are getting someone else to market and promote your web site for free!

What does this mean? More targeted visitors of course as more visitors are sent to you by the affiliate.

It's highly likely that a large portion of the visitors may never have found your web site, so in many ways these sales could be thought of as bonus sales, above and beyond those you would ordinarily have mode.

The downside is you need to share a percentage of the sale with the affiliate but you should also remember that it is quite possible the customer will buy more from you in the future.

This is the power of affiliate programs and affiliate marketing in general. Not having an affiliate program is an area where lots of marketers fall down.

Assuming you have an opt-in in place, then not only have you made a sale, but you now have a customer you can promote more products to in the future! One of Marketing 101’s golden rule is that it’s far, far easier to sell to an existing customer than to a brand new one. After all they loved your product enough to buy it, right? You have established a relationship with them at this point, and provided that your product has great relevant content they will be hooked!

The other thing to keep in mind is that it’s likely that you will have a higher percentage of sales from your affiliates visitors because (hopefully) the affiliate has already pre-sold his customers on your fantastic product. More than likely the affiliate has built up a solid reputation from his customers (who more than likely have purchased from him in the past) and because he has recommended your product, they come to your website already pre-sold that your product is a decent and worthy one, and at this point you have a visitor who already trusts and believes in your product because of the relationship they have with the affiliate recommending your products.

You need to think beyond the commission you are paying the affiliate and look instead at the long term relationship you have the potential to build with your new customer.

Make sure you look at using affiliate programs to maximize web site traffic. Payment is only required if the visitor purchases an item, so you have no upfront costs.

By: Tim Buchalka

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Free Advertising On The Internet For Your Direct Sales Business

Free Advertising On The Internet For Your Direct Sales Business

Over and over again I see both women and men asking how they can advertise for little or no cost. Advertising does not always mean “an ad”. I advertise constantly but almost never use an ad.

Here are several forms of free advertising:

1. A signature line in outgoing emails. I send and receive emails every single day. While some emails are from my kids or from mom and dad, many emails are from those who might benefit from visiting my website. I never email out an advertisement, but I always put my first and last name and my URL. I do know some folks use a one line advertisement in their signature. I choose not to, but one line is great.

2. When you join an online community, use the profile and introduction board to tell folks who you are. Do not use this space for an advertisement. Use this space to let folks get to know you. I always let folks know I live in Santa Barbara. I can not tell you how many times I’ve gotten emails from others who have told me they have visited Santa Barbara and just loved it. By simply letting others know where I live, I have formed relationships and made sales. I also use this space to list my hobbies. How can someone make a connection with you if they don’t anything about you? I happen to have two dogs. I almost always let folks know I have dogs. This too has started conversations with strangers. We tend to buy from those we know and if we find something in common with someone, we feel like we know them.

3. Start a blog. A blog allows you talk about any topic you want to talk about. I know many people who have both a personal blog and a business blog. I have very often searched the web for something specific and been taken to someone’s blog entry.

4. Post comments on other peoples blogs. Not all blogs allow you to put your URL. I choose to post comments on blogs that allow me to put my URL. One of my favorite blogs to comment on is This blog lists one food ingredient and asks you what can you make with that particular ingredient.

5. Article writing. This is one of my favorite forms of marketing. Every person who reads this particular article will see a link to my website. Some will click, some won’t. Of those who click, some will make a purchase, some won’t. If a publisher sees my article and likes it, he/she will use in their ezine, or on their site. This gives my link even more exposure. I wrote an article almost 10 years ago about passwording children. I still occasionally get emails from moms who tell me that my article has helped them. I wrote this article over 10 years ago. That’s an awful lot of free advertising for my sixty minutes of time to write the article. The more you write the less time an article will take. This article you are reading will take about 30 minutes to write. If you invest 30-60 minutes per day and write one article per day, you’ll have 365 articles online in a year’s time.

Try some of these forms of free advertising and watch both your web hits and your sales go up.

By: Audrey Okaneko

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The Introduction - Engineering

The Introduction - Engineering
By Yuva Raj

Engineering is a process of constant updating of the basic laws and functions of ancient science. It's a method used to make life easy to life with simple process.

"Engineering" it's the word playing the world. Hear your heartbeat, it sounds the technology; Touch your nerves to feel the heat of today! Yes there is almost none in this world disagree that engineering rules the world.

Yeah! We do breath the techno now but when we look back where is begun.. It says the concept of wheel, pulley, lever and stuff! But now it sounds unprofessional to discuss this even. But its true that "THIS IS THE BIRTH OF SCIENCE".

According to my study about the history, I can assure you that mathematics is the father of engineering. The first exhibition of these skills was in the form of buildings. From this the ideas grew.

The second things are Mechanical principles concepts which struck up the mind of our ancestors. This reflected to the development of the hydro and thermo machines. This was followed by the great ELECTRICITY. Then followed by electronics, chemical, aero, moto, etc.

Even though there are many classifications in engineering like

-Building officials
-Radio Frequency
-Structural Systems

My chips classify the subjects basically into

• Civil engineering
• Mechanical engineering
• Electrical engineering
• Electronics engineering
• Chemical engineering
• Software engineering

This is the latest tool on web. Which provide you with all the latest information on paper presentations, Engineering projects, engineering news, top colleges, journals, scientists, hopes in engineering, types of Engineering.

source :

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

5 Anti Aging Tips For Men

5 Anti Aging Tips For Men

Here's a collection of 5 men's skincare tips that will help you look younger for longer. To young men, anti-aging skincare might seem unimportant. So, don't concern yourself with anti aging, but do concern yourself with healthy skincare. Avoid skincare that has ingredients that are known carcinogens or will prematurely dry and age your skin.

1. Daily Cleansing, Deep Cleansing Masks, and Exfoliation

Men's skincare must include daily cleansing. Cleansers should be gentle, no micro-beads, or other abrasives. Exfoliation is a damaging and unnecessary step.

Every week or two, use a deep cleansing mask that includes kaolin, a clay extract, bentone gel, and allantoin. These naturally absorb excessive oils and work to pull grime and dirt out of your pores.

2. Aftershave

To protect the faces of you shaving men, anti-aging skincare should be anti-inflammatory. Daily shaving increases redness, irritation, and inflammation. Chronic inflammation plays a role in aging and skin diseases, such as cancer.

The best choice for an aftershave is witch hazel. It soothes abrasions and shaving nicks, prevents infection and reduces inflammation.

3. Moisturizers

Whether you have combination, oily, or dry skin, you still need a daily moisturizer for your face and body. You may think of moisturizers as greasy; probably because most of them contain petrolatum, mineral oils, and other petroleum derivatives.

Those oils are greasy. But, there are a number of non-greasy oils that effectively balance sebum production. So, they can be used on oily, dry or combination skin, with success.

Men anti-aging skincare must include moisturizer because excessive dryness speeds the aging process and causes thinner, sagging skin all over the body. For daily use on your face, the best men's skincare creams include grape seed oil, an effective antioxidant, and a moisturizer, all in one.

4. Antioxidants

Men anti-aging skincare products should provide necessary antioxidants. Everything in your human body is about balance. If that balance is thrown off, you suffer in one way or another.

Age disrupts your natural balance of free radical production and antioxidants in your skin. Free radicals are necessary for some basic bodily functions, but they must be rendered inactive by antioxidants or they can damage your cellular membranes, DNA strands, and collagen.

Not only does free radical damage cause wrinkles, it also causes cancer. And overexposure to the sun and environmental pollutants are known to increase production of free radicals. Unfortunately, some sunscreens and other common ingredients in lotions and creams also increase free radical production.

Men's skincare lotions can restore the balance and prevent free radical damage if they contain enough antioxidants in the proper formulation. The best compound is called H-EQ10.

H-EQ10 is a combination of natural vitamin E (tocopherol) and coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone), two of the most important antioxidants for the skin's health and appearance. Only the best products designed with men anti-aging skincare in mind, contain H-EQ10.

5. Safe Enough To Eat

In a nutshell, you want to look for men's skincare solutions that include natural ingredients that are safe enough to eat. Otherwise, you run the risk of using something that could be hazardous to your long term health.

By: Rachel Flanagan

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Personalized Jewelry - Beautiful Gifts For A Lifetime

Personalized Jewelry - Beautiful Gifts For A Lifetime

Popularity of personalized jewelry is increasing day by day. Nowadays people are being more and more fashion oriented and open to experiment with their looks and style.

This changing attitude of people is one of the helping factors in increasing popularity of personalized jewelry. Although personalized jewelry products have been used in various aspects, but the most important and popular use of personalized jewelry products is as gifts on various occasions.

Why Personalized Jewelry Products Are Preferred As Gifts?

This is an obvious and simple question that "why personalized jewelry products are being preferred as gift items?" The reason is that, people can put their own views, desires and emotions in personalized jewelry items.

That results in a more customized and special thing to present loved ones on all happy and joyous occasions. It not only makes presenter to feel proud, but also makes recipient feel blessed.

Popular Occasions for Gifting Personalized Jewelry

This is well known fact that for giving any gift to your loved ones including family members, friends, and beloved you don't need any specific day.

If you want to see your wife or girlfriend happy and really want to witness her sparkling eyes and bouncing heart for your love, then nothing can be a better way than presenting her a beautiful piece of personalized jewelry, like a simple bracelet with her name, or an exclusive earring with her initials.

Some Evergreen Personalized Jewelry Gifting Ideas

Although people always prefer personalized jewelry products as gifts for their loved ones on all festivals like Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, Father's Day or Mother's Day.

The applicable days can be wedding or engagement of your friends, family members or relatives. You can also gift these personalized jewelry products to your parents on their anniversary as a memorabilia.

A wonderful pair of couple jewelry for your father and mother along with the years of their wedding will become the most cherished gift for them ever.

Similarly you can please your wife by presenting her a customized necklace on her birthday. The happiness of getting such a wonderful gift from you will be far more than that of your investment in buying that particular gift.

In brief, gifting personalized jewelry to your loved ones not only makes them happy, but they also come to know the endless love, affection and sense of unconditional care for them. Every gift makes your relation grow longer and stronger.

By: Amanda Carter

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Communicating With The Elderly

Communicating With The Elderly

We all know that the population of elderly people is growing. We also all know that many of the next elder group will be made up of baby-boomers like me. Did you realize that from the year 2000 until the year 2006, there has been a 200 percent increase in population of persons 65 years old or older (U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Interim Projections by Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin, Washington, DC).

It is also estimated that the elderly in our country visit their doctors on an average eight times per year. The rest of the population make doctors visits on average five times per year (Alliance for Aging Research, 2002). This means that we should anticipate a greater overall need for care in the elder population. Communication with the elderly is certainly of great importance in the provision of care.

Communicating with our elder population can be challenging. Unlike children, the elderly present us with a very heterogeneous group. They bring with them many years of vastly different types of life experiences, requiring care providers to listen and understand each elder person's view of the care process. You should be aware of cultural differences and influences on the care recipient that affect their perspective of not only aging, but the care process.

The elderly may have had physical changes that have affected their ability to communicate as they once did, such as hearing loss, vision loss, memory loss, and speech projection. Remember that although communicating with an elder person may be more challenging than with others in the population; it is worth the effort to improve their quality of life.

We should also be aware of the elder person's needs, such as the need to reminisce and grieve. As the elder ages they are often forced to give up certain activities that have been instrumental in how they value themselves. For example, many elder people have difficulty adjusting immediately after retirement. Their life and their view of themselves may have been directly linked to what they did for work. That loss can be devastating.

Friends and family members begin to die causing a feeling of sadness and grieving. And, as the elder's own health declines, they may see their independence decline also. All of these factors, and the grieving process, may lead to depression, withdrawal, and a change in personality (i.e., irritability). It is important to understand this aging process, the factors that may affect the person during this time, and ways to help with effective communication.

A few tips for better communication are:

-- Always face the person you are speaking with.
-- Reduce external interference, such as television noise.
-- Let the person see you when you are speaking with her.
-- If necessary, slow your speech down and speak in a normal tone.
-- Don't ask too many questions at one time.
-- Don't hesitate to repeat words if it helps the elder to understand.
-- Use physical responses to comments by the elder. For example, nodding your head when you agree with what has been said.
-- Always try to be friendly and non-argumentative.

Communicating in general takes work. Communicating with our elders may or may not take more work than with the general population, but it should be viewed by our care providers as worth the effort. Patience, understanding, and lots of caring should make for solid and rewarding communication with our elders. Remember: practice makes perfect.

By: Ron Hagberg

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Lower High Blood Pressure With Magnesium

Lower High Blood Pressure With Magnesium

If you have high blood pressure, your MD has probably discussed with you sodium, potassium, and calcium as part of your treatment plan; however, the role of magnesium is often overlooked.

Magnesium is a critical player in maintaining normal blood pressure levels, as well as muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, bone health, and immune system maintenance.

How Magnesium Regulates Blood Pressure

Magnesium is used in the production of prostaglandin E1, which is a powerful vasodilator. Typically, blood pressure rises as blood vessels harden and narrow, which causes the heart to exert increased force to circulate blood to body tissues.

A vasodilator causes your blood vessels to relax and widen, allowing for easier blood flow and results in a lower blood pressure.

Magnesium also regulates the level of sodium, potassium, and calcium within cells. Sodium and potassium work together to maintain normal blood pressure levels and must be properly balanced.

Too much sodium with too little potassium leads to high blood pressure, while the opposite – too little sodium with too much potassium – can result in low blood pressure.

As far as calcium, individuals with adequate calcium levels tend to have lower blood pressures.

Research Findings

Research has shown an inverse relationship between magnesium and blood pressure. In other words, individuals with a high magnesium intake, typically have a low blood pressure.

I’m not referring to supplements, but actual magnesium rich foods that provide 500-1000 mg of magnesium daily.

Supplemental magnesium of ~500 mg can effectively lower blood pressure. Some studies have found magnesium supplements to reduce systolic blood pressure 2.7 mm Hg and diastolic 3.4 mm Hg.

Magnesium Sources

Magnesium is readily available in foods, such as peas, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, lima beans, squash, broccoli, spinach, and seafood.

Assess your diet for sources of magnesium and make adjustments to maximize your dietary intake of this mineral, and then determine if a magnesium supplement is needed. Magnesium is most effective when calcium and potassium levels are adequate.

For the best results, make sure your intake of all three minerals – calcium, potassium, and magnesium – are at ideal levels and follow a low sodium diet.

Always speak with your MD about any supplements you take. Oftentimes, a basic multivitamin will meet your mineral needs without adverse interactions with medications. Steer clear of mega doses!

By: Lisa Nelson, RD, LN

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Internet Safety For Families

Internet Safety For Families

The Internet is a wonderful source of information for all, especially our children. Our children now have immediate access to any and all information they desire. Long gone are the days when we used to spend hours at our local Libary searching for obscure facts and information for a school project. Today the information is available with a click. This is one benift of technology. But, when our children are locked in their rooms are we sure we have educated them to the best of our ability regarding the dangers lurking on the internet?

Technology has bridged the communication gap for millions of people worldwide. This can be a great bonus for teens. There are situations where a healthy and positive social circle online can be an effective substitute for children who experience issues at school. This situation isn't often the case. Unfortunately, teens do become all to often involved in unsafe and potentially extremely dangerous relationships online. When parents isolate their child in their room, with a computer, the results can be disastrous or even tragic.

The worst aspect of the situation is many teen's naiveté. Children naturally think they are meeting another minor when they start up a conversation and agree to meet. This seems to affect more females than males. Girls in their teens chat regularly with someone and they honestly believe this signifies trust and honesty. They become closer and believe the other individual, supposedly a minor, is feeling the same emotional ties to them.

How can you prevent such tragedies as rape or even murder with your child? The prevention is likely far more simpler than you may think. As a Parent, it is your duty to ensure your children do not become a target or a statistic for internet predators.

The ideal approach is to speak with your child. Talk with your children, ask them specifically what they do online and with whom they speak with. You more-than-likely know who your child associates with outside the computer. You should know who they speak with online. This is not to say you should be introduced or physically meet their friends online. This will just give you a glimpse into their online world.

If at all possible, limit Internet connection in the bedroom. Encourage every member of your family to use the internet in a public room of your home. This will prevent any resentment that may arise if your child feels like you are unfairly targeting them. It may also help adults who may not be so internet savvy.

Teens in particular are incredibly insecure. If you suddenly start showing interest in their online activities, they may become angry or afraid. Even if it has absolutely nothing to do with prying into their lives or invading their privacy, they may believe that is what you are trying.

With consideration and preparation you can sit down with your teen and ensure they are not left feeling "targeted" or "picked on." Spending the extra time with your children should be viewed as a honor and a requirement for all parents.

By: Michael Rao

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Debt Problems And Getting Solutions To Help

Debt Problems And Getting Solutions To Help

The current state of financial affairs is currently very bleak, and the forecast doesn't look all that promising either. A slump of monumental proportions has been in full effect for quite a while now and all financial markets have followed suit in the weakening process, taking big hits and sinking along the way.

Yet, consumers have also felt the monetary descent. To no fault but their own, debt totals have been on the rise for credit card users. This is due to, none other than, credit overspending (that has been repeatedly stacked) as well as the standard (to-be-expected) habitual mismanagement of finances.

And, it's a problem of universal magnitude, reaching to many individuals and families. This said, resolution needs to be had as well as put forth. And, you'd think with such a widespread problem as the spreading out of debt that a solution would be a bit involved. However, solving this big debt problem is far from difficult; it's actually rather easy for anyone.

Learning To Manage Your Finances

Whether we like it, despise it or are indifferent toward it, taking control over our finances is something that must be done. And, for you, the time has come.

So, no matter where you stand your position will soon be that of getting your financial act together. The main strategy for you is to focus on keeping track of your (credit) spending and subsequent debts. Mainly, you will need to manage debt, especially as to when they are due.

And to do this you can review a few easy to do steps that you can abide to. Of them includes using online banking, using automated payments, reducing your number of creditors and saving as much as you can.

Live In The Times: Be Efficient, Be Smart

When and where it's possible, use online banking options to pay your bills. Doing this will allow you to avoid being late on payments. Not only the aforementioned, but also take into account the fact that you will be able to pay bills whenever you want (24-7) via the Internet.

To be ultimately smart and efficient with your bills go ahead with the option (when provided) to subscribe to automated payments. Doing this and keeping up with the technological times will make managing your debt that much easier, that much more outlined and unable to fall apart.

Reduce Creditors and Save Your Money

Just one question needs to be asked - why make your financial troubles more complicated? The answer - there really is no reason to. And one way to make this situation easier is by reducing the number of creditors you have.

Just think of it this way; the more creditors you have, the more money you'll have to put out. This also means disorganized and scattered credit card balance expenditures, which could quickly lead to an even worse financial posture than before.

To alleviate your debt problems it would also be wise for you to save up as much money as you possibly can. If anything, think of saving as a process to prepare for the worst.

No doubt, unexpected circumstances take place more often then we'd want and when they do it's usually expensive to resolve. Aim to save around 10 percent of your annual salary each year and you'll be doing yourself a huge favor.

By: E.S. Cromwell

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Free Fitness Programs That You Can Do At Home Today

Free Fitness Programs That You Can Do At Home Today

There are plenty of free fitness programs to choose from but you do need to plan your workout carefully to have something that suits you. Your program will determine how quickly and effectively you can reach your goals.

The most important thing is that it should be as simple and as fun as possible, while being well suited to your fitness levels and preferences and of course your time schedule is crucial.

You can pick out different fitness programs to include in your workout routine either online or by watching DVDs. It is a good idea to have some different and not do exactly the same exercise day after day.

You want to be sure you are not working only a few muscle groups. You can either do a special workout routine for a few weeks and then change to another free fitness program.
Choose a time to exercise that suits your schedule and then follow it. with this schedule you should not be constantly changing. It is best to go for the same time every day, but do not over do it even 2 times a week can be enough.

Most people prefer to work out first thing in the morning. It is a great way to wake up. But if this does not suit you, go for later in the day, but always wait at least 2 hours after eating. It is hard to do a fitness program in the morning.

A good fitness exercise program will last for about 30-45 minutes. You can include 10-15 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises, followed by 15-25 minutes of fitness exercise program and 5 minutes of cool-down.

As an example the aerobic fitness exercise program could be done on home gym equipment such as a treadmill or exercise cycle or you could run or cycle outdoors.You do not even need equipment, there are several great free fitness programs that you can use. If you like dance or just walking, do it. Step aerobics is another option. Alternatively, the stairs in your house or apartment block can be very effective aerobic exercise equipment without spending a dime.

The key here is to choose something that you enjoy and if you do not know yet see if you find a free fitness program that is good for you. Also, do not forget to check with your doctor that your program is suitable for your level of health and fitness, if you are fit it does not matter.

Variation is important for emotional reasons too. Do what is fun for you, even if sometimes you do not have fun which is normal in my opinion. So if you like cycling, you may want to cycle outdoors in good weather or indoors when it rains. To increase the variety, a few times a week you could do some muscle building training, instead of other training excercises like walking or cycling.

Finally choose the fitness programs you like best. Free fitness programs that you tailor to your own lifestyle should increase your energy levels and put you in a better shape and you just feeling better.

By: Sabrina Sander

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Healthy Eating - Cholesterol Dietary Management

Healthy Eating - Cholesterol Dietary Management
By: Ted Brumby

Conventional Dietary Management of Cholesterol
While the development of plant sterol-enriched spreads is a very significant advance in the dietary management of cholesterol, it does not replace conventional dietary therapy. Rather, a plant sterol-enriched spread is an adjunct to conventional advice, which substantially increases the potential of diet to lower serum total and LDL-cholesterol.

What is conventional diet therapy?
Since the 1960s dietary advice to lower blood cholesterol has revolved around the manipulation of dietary fatty acids. This advice was based on the work of two series of experiments conducted independently by Keys et al (1) and Hegsted et al (2). Both found saturated fatty acids raised blood cholesterol and polyunsaturated fatty acids lowered it

The potency of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lowering blood cholesterol was about half that of saturated fatty acids in raising it. Fats rich in monounsaturated fatty acids had a neutral effect on cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol was found to have a small, but significant, blood cholesterol-raising effect.

Based on these studies for healthy eating the key dietary advice for reducing cholesterol became the replacement of dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, with some reduction in dietary cholesterol. More recently, monounsaturated fats and carbohydrates have also been considered good substitutes for saturated fat, which remains the key dietary determinant of blood cholesterol.

What are the main sources of saturated fat?
In western industrialised countries most sources of fat in the diet are rich in saturated fats. These include:

1. Dairy fats - butter, cheese, cream and full-fat dairy foods
2. Meat fat, sausages and luncheon meats
3. Baking fats used in commercial cakes, biscuits and pastries
4. Commercial frying fats used for takeaway foods and snack foods

The saturated fatty acid content of the fats in these foods is 50-60 per cent. Consumption of all these foods needs to be curtailed in order to reduce dietary saturated fat intake. Dairy fats are the most cholesterol-raising and special attention needs to be paid to reducing dairy fat in the diet for a healthy eating lifestyle. Low and reduced-fat milks and yoghurts are recommended.

What are the main sources of unsaturated fats?
Margarine spreads and unsaturated vegetable oils are the only major source of fat in the diet not dominated by saturated fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats comprise 75-90 per cent of fatty acids margarines and oils. These foods also serve as the major sources of the essential fatty acids,, Vitamin E and Vitamin D in the diet.

The most freely available vegetable oils are sunflower, canola and olive oils. These are also used in margarine spreads. Although all three oils are recommended, sunflower and canola have an advantage over olive oil with respect to cholesterol-lowering. Advice for people is to:

1. Use table margarine instead of butter
2. Use sunflower, canola or olive oil in for frying and in salads

Nuts are also high in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. They may be recommended for people on cholesterol-lowering diets.

What does the Heart Foundation recommend?
The Heart Foundation recently made the following dietary recommendations for healthy eating that will lower blood cholesterol:

1. Use margarine spread instead of butter or dairy blends.
2. Use a variety of oils for cooking - some suitable choices include canola, sunflower, soybean, olive and peanut oils.
3. Use salad dressings and mayonnaise made from oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean and olive oils.
4. Choose low or reduced fat milk and yoghurt or 'added calcium' soy beverages. Try to limit cheese and ice cream to twice a week.
5. Have fish (any type of fresh or canned) at least twice a week.
6. Select lean meat (meat trimmed of fat and chicken without skin). Try to limit fatty meats including sausages and delicatessen meats such as salami.
7. Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit.
8. Incorporate dried peas (eg split peas), dried beans (e.g. haricot beans, kidney beans), canned beans (eg baked beans, three bean mix) or lentils into two meals a week.
9. Make vegetables, and grain based foods such as bread, pasta, noodles and rice the major part of each meal.
10. Try to limit take-away foods to once a week. Take-away foods include pastries, pies, pizza, hamburgers and creamy pasta dishes.
11. Try to limit snack foods such as potato crisps and corn crisps to once a week.
12. Try to limit cakes, pastries and chocolate or creamy biscuits to once a week.
13. Try to limit cholesterol-rich foods such as egg yolks and offal e.g. liver, kidney and brains

source :

Internet Marketing: 5 Secrets For Writing And Selling

Internet Marketing: 5 Secrets For Writing And Selling

hank goodness online writing is so different from compositions that we had to do when we were in school! Lucky for us, our reader is not a critical schoolteacher, red pen in hand, grading our work. Instead, our online readers are real people, just like you and me, who want to learn something and get inspired.

Years ago, I practiced at writing "corporate speak." My proposals and reports where carefully crafted to keep out EVERY aspect of my own personality, thoughts, and feelings. I got so good at it I could have been dubbed the "Stepford Writer."

The great thing about writing is that “it's only words!” You can change them. (I love that!) Words give you the power to persuade, influence, and inspire your clients. Word power is an unbeatable way to get prospective clients to hire you, attend your next teleseminar or buy your information product!

So, how do you write from the heart AND sell your message online? The following internet marketing tips were derived from the years that this marketing coach has been doing just that!

Here are five secrets that will get you clicking away at the keyboard in no time at all:

Writing Tip #1: Just write.

If I try and edit as I write, I quickly find myself under the thumb of my inner critic. (After all, we all have one!) Why not send your inner critic on a coffee break? How? Get rid of him by just writing; leave the editing for later. Getting those first words out is the toughest part of writing internet marketing pieces, so just get to it.

Writing Tip #2: What are the emotions you want to evoke (or provoke?)

Before I start writing ANY internet marketing piece (even a simple email announcement for an upcoming teleseminar,) I take a moment to focus on the key emotion that I want to evoke. Is it inspiration? Excitement? A hunger for more? Don't try and rein in your natural energy or personal viewpoint of the topic. Believe me; people go online to read something that is strong, even provocative. If you find yourself saying, "Oh, I can't say that on the internet," then please, say it. It's you, it's authentic, and people want to hear it!

Writing Tip #3: Just say it!

As my Jewish grandmother would say: "Quit trying to be so perfect already!" Whenever I'm stuck, (I can tell I'm stuck when I have re-written the same sentence for the information product three million times,) I call my mom, an incredible writing coach. The one question she always asks me is, "What do you want your cyber audience to know?" After I'm done telling her she follows up with, "So write THAT!"

Writing Tip #4: Keep it conversational.

You know that voice inside your head that is busy chattering all the time? Now is the time to put her to use! Try having a conversation with that voice about the topic you're struggling to put online. Then just type up the conversation. I know this tip sounds a little wacky, but it's what I use to keep my internet marketing fun, upbeat and very personal.

Writing Tip #5: Don't be your own judge.

Just a few weeks ago a business coaching client emailed to me her website home page. "I don't think it's very good but I can't stand looking at it any more. Can you tell me what you think?" It was brilliant. It was strong, crystal clear, and engaging. Unfortunately, she was her own harshest cyber censor. (Like we all are!) Better to be brave and send your internet marketing piece to someone else for feedback. Just be sure that they understand YOU, and your business, so that the feedback you receive is meaningful.

Maybe you love to write, or maybe writing seems daunting to you. Either way, online writing is nothing more than speaking from your heart. Rather than worrying about your cyber writing, spend your energy telling people what you REALLY think. Do it in writing and you'll make a lasting impression that is certain to pull more business from the internet.

By: amitvj2007

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How To Build Muscle Without Weights, Dynamic-tension Revised

How To Build Muscle Without Weights, Dynamic-tension Revised

Why would anyone want to workout without weights? Everyone knows that using weights and machines is the fastest most efficient way to gain size and strength. While this is true, there are many resons why someone would want to, or even be forced to train for a while without the benefit of using weights. Someone working long hours trying to support his family may not have the time to get to a commercial gym, and may not have the extra space or money to set up a good home gym. Also, someone who has to travel quite often for business might prefer getting a good workout in his or her hotel room rather then wandering the streets of South America asking "Donde estael gymo?".

Let's face it there are times (vacations, etc.) when all of us can't easily get to a gym. There are also many trainees (beginners or athletes training for boxing, baseball or some other sport) who aren't trying to get a lot of muscular bulk but want the type of strength, endurance and definition that calisthenic exercise offers. These exercises can also be preformed anytime, anywhere and you can do them over your entire life to keep fit.

The idea behind this course is - If for some reason you do workout without weights, what is the most efficient and result producing way to do it? You can use these exercises in many ways: To build muscle, to maintain muscle you already have, in combination with your weight training to add variety and a change of pace, as a warm-up or pump-up routine, to ease back into training after a layoff or injury, etc., etc.

Very early in my training carear I started thinking about how to make calisthenics more result producing. The original reason was to help out one of my best friends at the time, who also happened to be the person that inspired me to start training by seeing the great progress he was making. Let's call him Joe, mostly because that was his name, I believe he prefers to be called Joseph these days but back then he was still good old Joe.

Anyway, one day Joe's father forbid him to workout with weights anymore, he gave Joe some reasons for this decision but I think the real reason was that he didn't like the idea that his 15 year old son was getting a little too big and strong to be easily controlled and he better do something about it before he gets any bigger. The funny part was that his father didn't object to him doing push-ups or other freehand exercises, only weight training was forbidden, I'm sure he figured that at best Joe would be able to maintain the muscle he had but he wouldn't get any bigger. Joe was very distraught by the situation, convinced that his muscles were doomed to waste away to nothing, but I was sure there was some way to make those exercise more intense and maybe he could even gain some size. I came up with some ideas and tried to tell Joe about them but he didn't seem too interested, his attitude was like "Hey, I know more about training then this guy, I'm the one who got him started. And besides I don't have time to listen to this I'm too busy feeling sorry for myself and performing satanic rituals to curse my dad-''.

Joe never used my ideas but I did many times over the years, whenever I used calisthenics, and always got good results. I got even more ideas, a few years back, after reading the famous "Dynamis-Tension Course" by Charles Atlas. I found an old comic book and decided to write to the address and see if the course was still available, much to my delight it was and I ordered it. I ordered it mostly as a collectors piece and novelty item, like owning a part of American pop culture. Who could forget those great advertisements like, "The insult that made a man out of 'Mac'.", "Who else wants a He-Man body?" or "In just 7 days, I can make you a Man.", I was also curious as to what was this Dynamic-Tension method exactly. I have always believed that - Only a fool thinks he knows everything and that a wise man never stops learning., so there was a possibility that I could find some good information in this "old, outdated course". I read the course and found it quite interesting; I was slightly disappointed to find out that Dynamic-Tension is really just some calisthenics and some isometric exercises. And while I'm sure they would do a lot for 198 lb weaklings", what can they do for someone who's already fairly big and strong? This got me thinking again about the same thing, how can these exercises be made more intense. Since then I came up with a few more ideas and now it's time to end the history lesson and share them with you.

By: Paul Becker

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Best Online Business To Make Money Fast - In 30 Minutes A Day!

Best Online Business To Make Money Fast - In 30 Minutes A Day!

Here we are going to look at the best online business to make money fast in around 30 minutes a day, on a small investment which involves no selling! This is really the ultimate home business for quick profits...

So what is the best online business to build wealth quickly? The answer my surprise you but it's a business anyone can learn and anyone can succeed in and its:

Learning to be an online currency trader from home - If you have never thought of this as a business you can do or costs too much money, think again! Consider the advantages listed below (the last one is the key to making money fast) and you will see why this business gives you the opportunity to build substantial wealth quickly.

What other home business has these benefits? Check them out

- You can get started with around $100

- You can learn the business in a few weeks

- You can run the business in around 3o minutes a day

- You do not have to sell anything!

- You don't need employees or stock just a computer and an online connection

- Profits opportunities emerge every single day

- There is never a recession or downturn

- You can leverage any money you put down 200 x and invest this amount.

That's a lot of advantages! But it's the last one which really makes this business such a great vehicle for building wealth. If you deposit $100 in your account, you can trade 200 x this amount or 20,000 no credit checks are required, the broker just gives you this facility.

By using leverage wisely, you can make huge amounts of money but how do you do this? Let's take a look.

Currency trading is a learned skill and you may say I know nothing about how and why currencies move or economics - well you don't need to! Let me ask you a question:

Can you spot repetitive patterns on a graph?

Sure you can - if you know what patterns to look for and this is the way to trade currencies. You look at Forex charts and they work because currencies reflect human psychology which remains constant and the patterns reflect human psychology which never changes and this shows up again and again in patterns which can be traded for profit.

You can learn charting in a few weeks and then in around 30 minutes a day you can study the latest formations and buy and sell for profit.

By using charts you have a simple way of trading which is very effective and your aim is simply to lock into and hold long term trends and with leverage on your side this can make you a lot of money. You then need to keep your losses small if you do this, the potential profits can be life changing.

A Business Which Can Change Your Life

There is no other business that can give you the rewards this one does for the amount of effort you need to put in.

Today, online Forex trading is open to all and with a few weeks study and 30 minutes a day; you could be building a substantial second or even life changing income. You don't need much money to get started either so this really is the best online business to make money fast.

Look at it and learn it and you could change your financial future forever.

By: kelly Price

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Drug Interaction Due To Smoking

Drug Interaction Due To Smoking

Theophylline (Aminophylline, Deriphyllin, Theolong, Theomac)

This is a frequently prescribed bronchodilator to relieve and prevent symptoms of asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. In smokers, the drug is more rapidly eliminated from the body than in non-smokers, and thus its level in the blood decreases faster, reducing the duration of action. Some heavy smokers may require as much as one and a half to two time the maintenance dose of theophylline. It may take six months to three years to return to normal after smoking is stopped

Propranolol (Inderal Corbeta), Metoprolol (Metolar, Betaloc)

These drugs belongs to the class of beta-blocking agents which are used to control high blood pressure, angina pectoris (severe chest pain), cardiac arrhythmias, migraine headaches, and to improve the chances of survival of the patient after a heart attack. In smokers the drug is cleared faster from the body than in non-smokers, and thus, there is a reduced level of the drug in the blood, resulting in inadequate therapeutic effect.

Pentazocine (Fortwin, Pentawin, Sosegon)

Pentazocine is a pain reliever and is required in larger doses by smokers because of its increased rate of metabolism.

Phenothiazines like chlorpromazine (Largactil), trifluoperazine (Trinicalm, Lacalm), thioridazine (Melleril) are required in larger than usual doses in smokers as compared to non-smokers due to their increased rate of metabolism. The same is true for tricyclic antidepressant drugs like imipramine (Depsonil, Antidep, Tencodep), desipramine (Norpramine), amitriptyline (Sarotena), trimipramine (Surmontil), and doxepin (Spectra).


Sleep-producing and anxiety-relieving agents are affected by smoking. Heavy smokers are known to show markedly diminished effects of drugs such as diazepam (Valium, Calmpose), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), lorazepam (Larpose), and oxazepam (Serepax).

Heparin (Beparine)

This drug prevents the clotting of blood and is important in treating conditions like thromboembolic disease, in which clotted blood fragments threaten to block blood vessels. In smokers the heparin level in the blood decreases 50% more rapidly than in non-smokers.

Frusemide (Lasix, Salinex)

This is a drug used in hypertension and edema, and shows lesser effects amongst smokers.


Smoking has been shown to lower the blood level of the indispensable vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) by causing increased urinary excretion. Smokers also metabolise vitamin C faster than non-smokers and thus require about 40% additional dose of the vitamin.

Oral Contraceptives

Women who use oral contraceptives are strongly advised not to smoke. Cigarette smoking Increases the risk of such serious cardiovascular side effects of oral contraceptives such as stroke, heart attack, and sudden blockage of blood vessels (thromboembolism). The risk increases with age and the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and is more marked in women above 35 years of age and those who smoke more than 25 cigarettes a day.

Cessation of Smoking

The relative ineffectiveness of the drugs described above, must be understood in the right Perspective. If you are a smoker and suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, or any mental disorder, and taking any of the above drugs, make sure that the adjustment of dosages is done in a proper way.

Only when faced with serious health problems do smokers think seriously of quitting smoking. They are advised to make a serious effort to stop smoking before their problems get out of hand.

There are two treatments which can help smokers quit smoking.

Nicotine Replacement

Nicotine Patch: It is applied over skin and releases nicotine at a rate of 7 to 10 mg in 24 hours. It is employed for about 8 weeks. Nicotine gum containing 2mg and 4 mg per piece is also available in some countries. A nicotine gum preparation (Nulife) containing 1 to 3 mg nicotine is also available.


Bupropion (Smoquit SR): This antidepressant drug is found to be helpful. Its continuous release form having 150 to 300 mg drug is used once a day and is helpful in quite a number of cases. It can be used along with nicotine patch.

By: Franchis

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Does Global Warming Affect Hurricanes?

Does Global Warming Affect Hurricanes?
By: Rich Johnson

Global Warming is a term denoting a gradual warming of the Earths average temperature. The term has become synonymous to the Earths warming exclusively due to man-made effects, especially carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide concentrations have increased from 300 parts per million to 384 parts per million since 1900, with the most accelerated increase during the past 40 years. Some scientists have drawn the conclusion that the increase in the Earths average temperature (about 1°F since 1975) is essentially solely based on man-made activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, biomass burning, and deforestation.

Causes of Global Warming

The Earths atmosphere is made up of different gases. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the total composition, Oxygen 21%, Argon 1% and traces gases .1%. Carbon dioxide makes up most of the volume of the rare gases. Water vapor varies from almost 0% over the deserts to 4% over the oceans. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide are the gases of interest since these are the greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases can reradiate heat or trap heat absorbed by the Earth from the sun. Water vapor is by far the largest mechanism for heat retention out of the greenhouse gases.

In the past, the Earths orbital eccentricity, variance of the tilt and wobble have led to periods of warmer weather. Even though the solar energy from the sun is considered a constant, a slight change could cause temperature fluctuations. Recently, Mars has also shown a decrease in ice coverage without greenhouse gas changes. The cause for the reduction in aerial coverage is unknown.

In summary, there are three mechanisms which would cause global warming, or in other words allow for a warming of the Earths average temperature. These are: (1) solar energy variance, (2) gradual changes in the Earths orbit, tilt, and wobble, and (3) greenhouse gas changes. It is difficult to calculate what percentage of the recent warming could be attributed to human activities. We can eliminate changes in the Earths orbit, tilt, and wobble causing a temperature increase since these are long term effects.

What are the Effects of Global Warming on Hurricanes?

There is a common misconception that since the global temperature has increased, hurricanes also must increase in number and intensity. The primary factor in the ability of a hurricane to strengthen or weaken is the wind shear profile of the atmosphere - not water temperature. It always has been warm enough in the tropics to produce hurricanes.

This temperature equates to a sea surface temperature of about 80°F. If you study the behavior of hurricanes you can find cases where hurricanes have strengthened over cooler water and have weakened over warmer water. There may be a small "boost" to a hurricanes strength as it moves over the Gulf Stream, if upper air wind profiles do not change much. Some of the computer generated hurricane models have this bias built in and will rapidly strengthen a tropical cyclone if predicted to go over a warm pool of water.

The recent upturn in tropical cyclone activity was predicted long before Global Warming became a household name. The tropical

Atlantic has been known to vary in cycles, and this recent upturn was expected. If you were to compare the period from 1900 to about 1950, with the 1950s until now, you would find an actual decrease in the average number of hurricanes and their intensity. It also is noted that the upswing in hurricane numbers over the past ten years or more has been only in the North Atlantic basin. Other hurricane formation regions have not shown this same trend.

The Effects of Global Warming on Hurricanes: Summary

There has been a noted increase in the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico since the mid-1990s. The long term average is that ten tropical storms will form per year, of which about six will become hurricanes.

Since the mid-1990s the average has been fifteen tropical storms, of which eight have become hurricanes. There has also been an upward trend in the concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide

due to mans activities over the past 100 years. During this time, hurricanes have gone through cycles where they have been more numerous, such as the cycle that we are in now. Some scientists have drawn a one to one correlation between the Earths temperature increase and the number of hurricanes and their intensity. As we have noted, the number one factor in tropical cyclone intensity is related to the atmospheric wind shear profile. There is even some research that suggests that higher temperatures could

actually increase the wind shear profile resulting in a decrease in hurricane activity. The upward cycle in hurricane numbers is expected to continue for several more years. If this trend were to continue for a considerably longer period, only then could one draw a conclusion that warmer temperatures have played some part to cause an increase in tropical cyclone formation.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Adware And The Case Against Bundled Software

Adware And The Case Against Bundled Software

Bundling software applications together is a practice much abused by purveyors of adware. The potential for sneaking unwanted software into a bundle of desirable software is obvious. The benefits of bundling software aren't so obvious. Isn't it time to consider dumping the practice of bundling software altogether?

Bundled Software: When Is It Not Adware?

If a user wants a piece of software, why can't he or she be allowed to install it separately? If the bundled software were essential to the functioning of the original software (excluding generic functions such as install, un-uninstall, and documentation), why wouldn't the developer build its functions directly into the original software?

Sure, sometimes there's a software application that clearly complements another application. But for users who do not want the complementary software, having it just means a bloated install file and a needlessly long installation process.

Does the chance that users will want the bundled software ever outweigh the risk of the bundled software being installed without the user noticing? In the case of adware, the technology community is increasingly willing to put the burden of proof on the adware bundlers:

* Cnet's website recently removed any and all software that comes bundled with another piece of software that shows advertising, regardless of how well informed the user is of the bundled software.

* Affiliate networks such as Commission Junction and Kolimbo have either cautioned advertisers against accepting adware distributors into their affiliate programs or kicked them out altogether.

* Many technology law experts are saying that the click-wrap license agreements that supposedly legitimate adware are not proof of informed consent. Some experts even say that such agreements amount to unconscionable contracts: the burden imposed by adware is so great and the benefit offered so negligible.

Adware and Bundled Software: A Modest Proposal

If the spam arms race is any indication, we may soon face even more aggressive attempts to get adware on our computers. There will be even more tortured arguments that bundled adware is installed with users' informed consent. Why not head off any of those arguments right now? Let's push for an industry standard that reputable developers do not bundle software (with a few highly specific exceptions such as documentation, installation, and error reporting).

In the end, by getting rid of bundled software, what do we have to lose except adware?

By: Joel Walsh

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exercise To Get Those Extra Weight Out

Exercise To Get Those Extra Weight Out
By: Jackie Serta

A lot of us live our lives like penned animals. Built to move, too often we put ourselves in a cage. We have bodies designed for racing across the savannas, but we live a lifestyle designed for migrating from the bed to the breakfast table; to the car seat; to the office chair; to the restaurant booth; to the living room couch and back to the bed.

It was not always this way. Not long ago in the United States, a man who worked on a farm did the equivalent of 15 miles of jogging every day; and his wife did the equivalent of 7 miles of jogging.

oday, our daily obligations of work and home keep us tied to our chairs, and if we want exercise, we have to seek it out.

In fact, health experts insist that obesity problem is probably caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much. Hence, it is important that people need to move around.

However, that does not mean that a lap or two around the old high school track will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not very efficient, experts say. They contend that if you just exercise and do not change your diet, you may be able to prevent weight gain or even lose a few pounds for a while.

Nevertheless, it is not something that you are likely to sustain unless exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, the easier it is to maintain your weight. Here is what to do every day to make sure that you get the exercise you need.

1. Get quality Zzzs.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Good sleep habits are conducive to exercise, experts point out. If you feel worn out during the day, you are less likely to get much physical activity during the day.

In addition, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more, using food as a substance for the rest they need.

2. Walk the walk.

It is probably the easiest exercise program of all. In fact, it may be all you ever have to do, according to some professional advices of some health experts.

Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. Brisk walks themselves have health and psychological benefits that are well worth the while.

3. Walk the treadmill.

When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. But if you have a treadmill in the television room, you can catch up on your favorite shows while you are doing your daily good turn for your weight-maintenance plan.

Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables anyone to turn a sedentary activity into a healthy walk.

4. Seize the time.

Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles. That is why health experts suggest a basic guideline for incorporating exercise into your schedule.

Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere with your work or family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are preventing many health problems when you prevent weight gain; and keeping your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.

By: Jackie Serta

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5 Ways To Promote Positive Mental Health

5 Ways To Promote Positive Mental Health
By: Adella Klein

Positive mental health is a great way to ensure you lead a long, happy and healthy life. Maintaining your mental health is easier than most people think and will have a significant impact on your everyday life.

Would you like to have more energy? What about a good night sleep? How you would like to go an entire year without catching the flu once? Achieving a positive mental health state will not guarantee these things, but it sure will help.

Here are the top 5 things you can do to help promote positive mental health in you and your children:

1. Eat Healthy. Eating fast food 3 times a week and downing a few cold ones before bed might be easier than making a home-cooked meal and more enjoyable than drinking a cold glass of water but it won’t do a whole lot for your health. Eating home-cooked foods (especially fruits and vegetables) and staying away from the fast food joints will help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire.

2. Drink Lots of Water. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, average individuals are expected to consume at least eight glasses of water a day. And while this seems like it may be a lot, it’s actually not. Eight glasses is almost equivalent to filling up your water bottle a few times between waking up and going to bed. Remember, if you work out, you will need to increase your water intake to compensate for the water you’re burning off while exercising. Drinking water will detoxify your body and restore it back to a healthy state – especially after drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

3. Kick the Bad Habits. We’ve already mentioned it a few times but eliminating significant alcohol intake will have positive results on your mental health. Likewise, kicking other bad habits like smoking and drinking considerable amounts of coffee will also help keep your mental health at its best.

4. De-Stress. Stress is one of the leading causes for poor mental health. When you’re stressed out, your body has to work harder to keep up and, overtime, it will take its toll on your body and your brain. Next time something stressful happens, try lighting some candles and taking a bath. If that doesn’t work for you, try letting off some steam by going to the gym or going for a run. Keeping a positive frame of mind will promote positive mental health and eliminate undue stress on your brain.

5. Book Regular Check-ups. Unfortunately, you can do all of the things listed above and still suffer from mental health problems. In fact, you might have a mental illness and not even know it. Make sure you’re mental health is in good condition by booking regular appointments with your doctor. He/she will be able to confirm whether you’re lifestyle is healthy or identify where you may need to make some changes.

By: Adella Klein

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How To Buy A Blender

How To Buy A Blender ?
By: Leslie Bogaerts

These days, the blender is considered to be a must have in every home. This toy can be sued to make drinks and cut down the preparation time of making certain dishes. If you are in the market for one, you need to how to buy a blender from the appliance store.

There are two types of blenders you can choose from. There are top blenders and there are hand held blenders.

More people prefer to use the top blenders than hand held blenders because it can only be used to crush ice and puree items. Naturally if you want to do other things go for the top blender.

Since there are so many to choose from the store shelf, look around and narrow this down to at least three.

With the three blenders in mind, you now get the brochure or talk to the sales person about each one.

One thing you always have to consider is the price. Blenders usually range from a few dollars to several hundred but this is already the kind that is used in restaurants. Since you are just buying this for your home, get one that is priced reasonably with added features.

Price is just one but not the only factor in deciding what blender to buy. You should also examine what materials the appliance is made of. As much as possible get the one that is made of high quality materials since this will be able to withstand scratching and shattering.

You should also go for those that have quick clean features or have removable dishwasher safe parts so you there won’t be any hassles.

If you haven’t made up your mind yet, look at product reviews by visiting online consumer websites. Don’t visit just one site but two or three others to confirm if everyone gave the same review.

Another thing you have to consider when buying a blender is the design. Most people get items to match the interior of the room and you will surely do the same with the blender. The best way to make this happen is to see if this is available in the color that complements with the rest of your kitchen.

A lot of people don’t pay attention to this but you should also consider the right voltage. This is because the more you use it, the higher the wattage of the blender.

Don’t forget to also consider its storage capacity. The bigger it is the better so you will be able to mix the ingredients in one sitting.

After talking with the sales person in one appliance store, look at others to see if there is anything better. You can also look online as some websites also offer this to customers. There may even be a few branded names that could be a lot cheaper.

Now that you know how to buy a blender, it is time to go shopping for one. If you forget what to consider, just remember that price, wattage, speed, design and materials are the 5 most important things to consider whenever you go out and buy a blender.

By following the tips mentioned, you are sure to find a blender that has the features you need that is good value for money.

By: Leslie Bogaerts

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Is Thalassemia?

What Is Thalassemia?
By: Peter Hutch

Thalassemia is the name of a group of genetic blood disorders. To understand how thalassemia affects the human body, you must first understand a little about how blood is made. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying component of the red blood cells. It consists of two different proteins, an alpha and a beta. If the body doesn't produce enough of either of these two proteins, the red blood cells do not form properly and cannot carry sufficient oxygen. The result is anemia that begins in early childhood and lasts throughout life.

Thalassemias are caused by a mutation in the beta globin chain. The mutated genes must be inherited from both parents to acquire the major form of this disease. If one mutated gene is inherited, the person will be a carrier of the disease, but will not have symptoms. This is the minor form of the disease.

In the major form, children are normal at birth, but develop anemia during the first year of life. Growth failure, bone deformities, and enlarged liver and spleen are some of the problems that can occur. Blood transfusions may modify some of the signs of the disease, but iron overload from the transfusions may cause damage to the heart, liver, and endocrine systems.

In the most common type of β thalassemia trait, the level of Hb A2 (δ2/α2) is usually elevated. This is due to the increased use of δ chains by the excessive free α chains, which results from a lack of adequate β chains with which to pair. The δ gene, unlike β and α genes, is known to have a physiologic limitation in its ability to produce adequate δ chains; by pairing with the α chains, δ chains produce Hb A2 (approximately 2.5-3% of the total Hb).

Thalassemia, a genetic disease, can be mild or severe. Some carriers of the gene have no symptoms. The most common severe form in the United States is a type called Cooley's anemia. It mainly affects people of Mediterranean or Asian ancestry. It usually appears during the first two years of life. Severe thalassemia is treated with blood transfusions and treatment to remove excess iron in the blood.

In beta thalassemia major there is a complete failure of beta
chain production. Hence there is very little, if any, Hgb A present. Delta and gamma chain production is increased. As a result there is raised levels of Hgb A2 and Hgb F. Hemoglobin F has a very high

affinity for oxygen and is a poor oxygen deliverer. As a result the only functional hemoglobin present is Hgb A2, hence the patient is hypoxic which causes increased erythropoietin secretion.

Thousands of patients receive medical care outside of specialized thalassemia centers. These patients and providers need information concerning recommendations for comprehensive screening tests, access to new research protocols and treatment including transfusion therapy, new chelation therapy, stem-cell transplantation, hormone replacement, heart disease, osteoporosis and hepatitis.

Quality of life for families and patients can be excellent with a future including employment, marriage and children. To achieve this, families and providers need information concerning psychological wellness, cultural issues and counseling for family planning and marriage.

Thalassemia is a quantitative problem of too few globins synthesized, whereas sickle-cell disease (a haemoglobinopathy) is a qualitative problem of synthesis of a non-functioning globin. Thalassemias usually result in under production of normal globin proteins, often through mutations in regulatory genes.

Hemoglobinopathies imply structural abnormalities in the globin proteins themselves. The two conditions may overlap, however, since some conditions which cause abnormalities in globin proteins (hemoglobinopathy) also affect their production (thalassemia).

By: Peter Hutch

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Know Your Asthma Treatment

Know Your Asthma Treatment
By Michael Rad

· Let your doctor know if you are taking any other types of medication. Some medication types can affect the actions of asthma medications when combined.

· Before preparing or taking medications you should make sure your hands are clean.

· Double-check the instructions on the asthma treatment medication before taking it.

· Store the asthma drugs according to given instructions.

· The best asthma control can be achieved if you follow your asthma chart. Following the guidelines set by your doctor will increase the effectiveness of asthma inhalers and asthma medication

· Ask your doctor to describe medication side effects, although these are rare and of reduced danger.

· Make sure to always have sufficient supplies of medication nearby.

· Check out the links below for more relevant asthma control medication

There are two main components related to asthma that you can use specialized medications for: the airway inflammation and the constriction of the air passage muscles.

Asthma medication is mostly used to prevent inflammation, thus reducing the negative effects of the condition and eliminating chances for asthma attacks.

Here are the main types of asthma medications:

Asthma control medication

This sort of medication has to be taken on a daily basis for extended periods of time.

Getting control of asthma is now possible, but only if the asthma treatment is carried our consciously and without interruptions.

Persistent asthma can be subdued is the right medication is prescribed for the patient.

Activity impairing asthma attacks are less frequent when the proper asthma medication is used, a fact that determines many patients to follow their asthma treatment continuously.

Among long term asthma medications you will find anti inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, beta agonists and bronchodilators.

Asthma attack medication

Most quick relief medications are also very efficient during asthma attacks.

Short acting bronchodilators and beta-agonists are some of the drugs commonly used to relieve asthma symptoms.

Some systemic corticoids are also found in asthma medication designed for attack stoppage.

source :

Skin Cancer Types, Risk Factors, Signs and Treatment

Skin Cancer Types, Risk Factors, Signs and Treatment
By Dick Aronson

Skin cancer represents the most commonly diagnosed malignancy, surpassing lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer. Tumors develop primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in women.

Contrary to popular conception, skin cancer affects people of all skin tones, including those with darker complexions. Most skin cancers appear after age 50, but the sun's damaging effects begin at an early age, therefore protection should start in childhood in order to prevent skin cancer later in life.

Types of Skin Cancer

The main types of skin tumours are:

1. Melanomas are skin cancers that form in melanocytes (skin cells that make pigment). Even though it is rare, malignant melanoma is responsible for 75 % of all skin cancer related death cases.
2. Basal Cell carcinomas are skin cancers that form in basal cells (small, round cells in the base of the outer layer of skin).
3. Squamous Cell carcinomas are skin cancers that form in squamous cells (flat cells that form the surface of the skin).

Rarer types of skin tumors are:

1. Neuroendocrine carcinomas which form in neuroendocrine cells (cells that release hormones in response to signals from the nervous system.) carcinoma of the skin.
2. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
3. Merkel cell carcinoma.
4. Kaposi's sarcoma.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for non melanoma and melanoma skin cancers include: unprotected and or excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, fair complexion, occupational exposures to; coal tar, pitch, creosote, arsenic compounds, radium, family history, multiple or atypical moles, and severe sunburns as a child. Anyone with a family history of skin cancer also has an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Signs of Skin Cancer

Signs of melanoma may include: A large brownish spot with darker speckles located anywhere on your body, a simple mole located anywhere on your body that changes in color, size or feel or that bleeds, a small lesion with an irregular border and red, white, blue or blue-black spots on your trunk or limbs, shiny, firm, dome-shaped bumps located anywhere on your body, dark lesions on your palms, soles, fingertips and toes, or on mucous membranes lining your mouth, nose, vagina and anus.

Signs of basal cell carcinoma can vary depending on the type and may include skin changes such as a: Firm, pearly bump with tiny blood vessels in a spider like appearance (telangiectasias). Signs of squamous cell carcinoma include any: persistent, firm, red bump on sun-exposed skin.


Depending on the type of skin cancer, dermatologic surgical treatments include: surgical excision; electrodessication and curettage which involves alternately scraping or burning the tumor in combination with low levels of electricity, cryosurgery and laser surgery. Other dermatologic treatments include radiation therapy and photodynamic therapy (a chemical is applied to the skin prior to exposure to a light source). Mohs micrographic surgery is preferred for large basal cell carcinomas, those that recur after previous treatment, or lesions affecting parts of the body where experience shows that recurrence is common after treatment by other methods.

Skin cancer can be deadly, but nearly all skin cancer can be treated if it is detected and diagnosed early, however skin cancer can recur, so it is important that you examine your skin regularly for any changes and see your doctor for a check-up every six to 12 months.

source :,-Risk-Factors,-Signs-and-Treatment&id=1395728

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Beauty of Garden Decor

The Beauty of Garden Decor
By Romain Levesque

Gardens are beautiful places of relaxation and beauty. The wonderful combination of the higher oxygen levels, the aroma therapeutic scents, and the pleasant colors eases one's mind, body, and soul into a place of relations and peace.

It is for this reason that so many people enjoy growing and keeping gardens. It is also this reason that people often use various schemes of garden decor to keep the garden interesting and stimulating.

There are many different garden decor styles on the market. The fantasy land decor is very common. This includes fairies, gnomes, and other imaginary creatures and scenes painted on clay or porcelain for decoration.

Another very common garden decor is the natural life decor. This decor style includes the arrangement of creatures made of metal and other materials into natural scenes.

These creatures are often symbolic representations of the real creatures that might frequent the garden. Paths to heaven are also very popular, and in such decor, there is a very heavy religious undertone and a remembering of those who have gone before us.

No matter what the garden decor is, the premise is the same, to bring visual and mental interest to a garden that causes one to either think or further enjoy the garden.

The decor of the garden can help one better understand the garden and their place in the garden. It is also nice for the directing of thought or mediation while visiting the garden.

The garden itself can be greatly enhanced by the addition of pretty ornaments designed for the garden. Such garden decor can often cover an area that plants do not seem to grow.

It is also possible to set the decor up in such a manner that it allows for a path in which one can access the plants and tend to them.

There is so much that one can do with garden decor that it is little wonder that it is so popular with those who have gardens