Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How To Take Care Of Oily Hair

How To Take Care Of Oily Hair

Hair is probably the most beautiful feature that can make you look simply gorgeous. The strong and shiny hair, along with a nice hair style, can enhance your beauty and gives you a more appealing personality. For this it’s vital that you use the best hair products. For looking good, there should not be any kind of compromise in the selection of hair products. To look stunning get the best hair products and enhances the quality of hair.

Many hair shampoos promise results in help with oily scalps but few offer results. Oily scalp shampoos are guaranteed to help control excess sebum and greasiness offering shiny, clean, grease-free hair. Oily scalp shampoos are designed to be used between three to seven times per week and not only work well, but smell great. The hair shampoos can be used in addition to your favorite shampoo or as a stand-alone product. The choice is yours.

Oily scalp shampoo usually works on the glands that produce the oil. They may use nutrients like zinc to help even out the amount of oil you are producing. Oily scalp shampoo can also help break up the oil that is on the shaft of the hairs themselves and are often very effective.

There are a few differences between an oily scalp shampoo and one meant to help other hair problems. Oily scalp shampoos are designed to be less heavy in conditioners than other shampoos. If there is a higher percentage of detergent in the product you are using, it can be quite effective as an oily scalp shampoo.

Massage your hair and scalp while shampooing. With the finger balls massage the scalp gently. It is called ‘spider doing push-ups’ fashion. It is vital and critical in your hair care routine. It helps to loosening the sebaceous glands of your hair scalp and secrets the sebum, which is a natural form of essential fatty acids. It feels good and soothing and condition your hair and tone up your hair. There are lots of ways of massaging for different types of hair.

Products for natural hair care help in substantial growth of hair as they contain vitamins and useful minerals that facilitate in normal hair growth. The most widely used vitamins for natural hair care products are B12 and vitamin C. These are the tow vitamins that are used in almost every natural hair care product. Vitamin E is also used quite commonly.

The treatment which you use for oily hair will vary depending upon the severity of it. There are hair products especially designed for oily hair which are not as moisturized as some other products. You should also avoid over brushing your hair, and cleaning your hair brush every now and again is a great idea.

Brushing too often is also not a good idea as, although when you have healthy hair, brushing often makes it look nice and healthy, it does stimulate the oil glands. When oily hair is already producing too much oil, the last thing you want to do is stimulate the glands even more! So always avoid brushing too much.

Some problems which can be caused through severe oily hair include the hair falling out. This is particularly true in men over the age of thirty five. Oily hair can also lead to dandruff which again can cause all kinds of other problems.

By: Beauty and Health care

Article Source via Beauty Tips

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How to Play Soccer

How to Play Soccer

Soccer is the most played sport in the world, the rules are simple, playing it is also simple, but skill are what make it a moderate difficulty

Things You’ll Need:

soccer ball
soccer court
atleast 4 or 5 friends

Instructionstep1 (the rules)
At the start of any game, the soccer ball will be placed in the centre of the court, 1 of the forwards, whether left or right striker, will be placed in the centre with the ball. The ball will be on the centre dot with the MAIN striker, the main strike will slow pass the ball to the other team mate striker who is a couple feet away to the right, the other players MUST stay out of the centre circle. The game begins.


If you are either tripped, pushed or hit on purpose, you may report it to the referee and he will sort it out with a red card, if it is unintentional, either yellow card or no card at all. So avoid all unnecessary hitting. Conservative tackles that don't trip, rather lose the balance of the other person is allowed.


If anyone is tripped from the opposing inside their own goalies court, its a penalty kick.

Free Kick

A free kick Given if anyone is tripped out of the goalies court, in direction of the target net.


if the ball goes out from either team from the OUTER line, its a throw-in.

Step2 Skills

Kicking hard

Plant your non-kicking foot on the non-kicking side of the ball, 5 inches away, make contact with the ball with the "lace" of the foot when the knee is RIGHT over the ball.

Kicking Curve

Keep ankles locked at 90 Degrees, plant non-kicking leg like before, angle your kicking foot in direction of spin. follow through.


There are many Deks, but i will list 2.

Step over with the kicking leg, then push in the opposite direction and regain control.

Fake kick, and step over, then change direction suddenly.

Step3 Goal keeping


Dive from a squat position, with fingers out toward the ball.


Jump with either fists or fingers high toward the ball.

Low pick up

go down on one knee, face perpendicular to the ball. face torso to the ball, the legs must be perpendicular. Pick up the ball

source :

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tips on How to Become a Fitness Model

Tips on How to Become a Fitness Model

Everyone is busy. But considering what is at stake, making time for exercise needs to be a priority right now. Thirty minutes a day is not too much when you get right down to it. Cut one prime-time show out of your evening television-viewing schedule. Get up a half-hour earlier each morning. Use half of your lunch hour for a brisk walk. You can find time if you look hard enough for it.

In fact, there are people who find time to manage and endorse the advantages of physical fitness just so they can prove to the world what a physically fit person can look like.
It is for this reason that most people contend that fitness models are one of the healthiest and most appealing people in the world. They embody the perfect concept of a physically fit person. Fitness models are, indeed, the epitome of health, life, vigor, and real beauty.
In reality, virtually everyone who has the capability to move can exercise to some degree; and everyone who is capable of projecting the benefits of exercise and physical fitness can be a fitness model.

Therefore, if you think that you have what it takes to be a fitness model, here are some tips on how to be come one.

1. Deviate from the common notion of everybody that fitness is just a matter of the body figure.

The problem with the society today is that people tend to admire and look up to females who are thin and sexy and to males have brawny, muscular biceps, triceps, and wonderful abs.
The upshot is that people tend to exert so much effort in exercise not because they want to be healthy and fit but because they want to like the fitness models that they usually see in TV, posters, and magazines.

To be a fitness model, you should start working your way to a healthier you and not just a sexier, physically attractive person that you want to be.
After all, being a fitness model does not necessarily mean you have to have a “fashion-model” body size.

2. Believe in the saying, “You are what you eat.”

If you want to be a fitness model, you have to believe on the fact that our body shows what kinds of food we eat. Your body will also depict the kind of physical activities that you have in life.
Hence, if you do not conform to this belief, chances are, you will find it hard to be a fitness model, and to inform the people what it is like to be physically fit.

3. Live a healthy lifestyle

Genes play big roles in a person’s health. But these do not certainly influence what you will eat at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and the kind of activity that you will engage in.
Hence, if your lifestyle will not be healthy, chances are, you can never be a fitness model.
4. Have a “positive self image”

In order to be a fitness model, you have to incorporate positive body image in your life. This means that you should love your body in spite of what is happening in the environment or the occurrences in your life.

You should never wish for a body that you know it is not yours. Do not burden yourself into thinking that life could have been better if you only have thinner thighs or beautiful abs.
Through positive self-image, you are able to gain respect for yourself, which in turn generates other s to respect you and admire you.

The key point here is that, being a fitness model is not all about vanity and physical attributes alone. What matters most is the beauty of being physically fit and healthy that radiates from your body as it exudes the glow of health.