Fortunately you don't have to spend a fortune on toys for your feline friend. This is largely due to the fact that they will play with whatever it is you have handy. Whether it is a string, a leaf, wrapping paper, or a ball, they will be completely content swatting it, biting it, and tearing it apart. Of course, many of these items that you have lying around your house are not the safest for kittens and cats, nor do you want them thinking that it's ok to chew on whatever they want, this is why it's important that they have some of their own toys.
You can choose to go through your house and find toys that will be safe for your cat or to go to the store and purchase a few cat designated toys. Some toys that are safe to give your cat that you find around the house are:
• Small balls that bounce, but they can't chew apart and aren't so small that they will get caught in their throat.
• Sewing supplies such as a empty wooden thread spool
• Balled up paper
• Boxes and gift bags filled with tissue paper
Items around the house that you should not give your cat or kitten for health and safety reasons:
• Balls of string, yarn, or spools with thread on them
• Anything with wire in it
• Anything aluminum or cellophane
• Plastic bags
• Rubber bands
• Nothing that is sharp or pointy
• Nothing that can break and hurt your cat
• Nothing that they can chew off and get stuck in their throat
You can find many fun and colorful cat toys at your local supermarket or pet store. The key is to use your judgment before you buy any of them. Carefully look them over and make sure they won't become hazardous to your cat as he plays with them. It's smart and cost effective to start out with a few toys so that you can see what your cat chooses to play with and what they do not. Also it's important to note that some cat toys should only be used when you are there playing with your cat or kitten.
A Collar, Leash, and Harness for Your Cat
A collar is a very important thing if you have a cat who enjoys both the indoors as well as the outdoors. An important thing to keep in mind when buying a collar for your cat is that if they are quite active and curious, you will need to find a collar that can break away. Although a breakaway collar seems kind of strange, it is really in the best interest for your cat and their safety.
If you cat is outdoors or even inside and their collar gets caught on something you do not want them to choke, that is why it's important to look for a breakaway collar. You should have your kitten or cat begins wearing their collar as soon as possible so that they become accustomed to it.
Also make sure that your cat has some sort of identification on their collar if they get lost or find themselves out of your house. You can also choose to purchase a leash and a harness if you wish to take your cat or kitten out for a walk. If you have the opportunity to train them how to walk with a leash when they are young they will adapt to it much better.
Not all cats like the leash around their neck which is why it might be necessary to purchase a harness which will be more comfortable for the cat and give you more control as well.
What You Will Need to Groom Your Cat
Grooming is a big part of having a cat, especially if you have a long haired cat so you will need to have the proper grooming tools, even if you have a short haired cat. Mainly you will just need to have a flea comb and a brush, but the tools that you will need depend largely on what type of fur your cat has. Grooming is important in order to prevent hairballs and it will also help to cut down on how much cat hair will be on your furniture.
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