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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Warning Signs Of Diabetes
What are the two types of diabetes? Type I or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a severe form of the disease which usually affects children and young adults, and requires daily injections of insulin.
Although doctors aren't sure what causes IDDM, they believe it is an autoimmune disease. Instead of protecting the body from disease, the immune system goes awry and attacks the pancreatic cells that produce insulin. This may be triggered by a viral infection such as the flu or chickenpox.
Early warning signs of Type I diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, rapid weight loss, fatigue, irritability, nausea and vomiting.
The most common form is Type II or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) which has become a major health problem in both developing and developed countries.
In NIDDM, which is common in women, the pancreas fails to function properly or the body is unable to use insulin efficiently. This is usually associated with obesity and often appears in adults over 40 - the reason why it's called adult-onset diabetes.
Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, tingling or numbness in the legs, feet or fingers, slow healing of wounds, drowsiness, impotence in men, and vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) in women.
"An estimated 80.percent of those with Type II diabetes is obese when diagnosed with the disease. Added weight can both accelerate diabetes and bring on its complications, especially cardiovascular disease and stroke," said the editors of Consumer Guide in “The Home Remedies Handbook.”
Aside from obesity, researchers say both Type I and Type II diabetes may have a genetic component. Dr. Edward Hillhouse, director of Diabetes and Endocrinology at the Walscrave Hospital NHS Trust in the United Kingdom, said patients can either have a genetic disease, meaning one gene is responsible for the defect, or other problems.
"NIDDM used to affect predominantly the middle-aged and the elderly but now we're seeing it in people in their early 20s. Most of these people are overweight but some aren't suggesting a genetic defect," he explained.
''Other factors are lack of physical exercise. In a population that doesn’t exercise, you'll find a high incidence of Type II diabetes. That's why we’re encouraging young people to get into sports instead of sitting all day long playing computer games.
"The type of food is also important. The American diet which consists of hamburgers, hotdogs, and high-sugar foods is bad because it tends to put on the wrong kind of fat. These foods make the abdomen fat and intra-abdominal fat or a big belly will put you at risk for NIDDM," added Hillhouse. (Next: Is sugar bad for diabetes?)
Since obesity is a factor in diabetes, it pays to lose weight. To help you shed those unwanted pounds, take Zyroxin, a safe and natural supplement that will maximize your weight loss through its unique fat-burning ingredients.
By: Sharon Bell
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Top 5 Tips For Fast Weight Loss
To get maximum benefit of a weight loss program, we need to find the best ways to burn maximum fat in order to lose maximum weight. Here are some tips which will help you in losing weight at a fast pace and will also help you lead a healthier life:
1. Drink high amount of water - Drinking high amount of water is one of the best weight loss secrets that I would like to share with you. According to experts, we should drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day to stay healthy. One should avoid sodas, Beer and sugar rich drinks and should drink water whenever you are having thirst.
2. Take more Meals - Three meals a day will not work if you are in the market to lose some fast weight loss. According to the experts, one should take five to six small meals a day at a gap of two to three hours. When we take three meals a day, we tend to eat large amount of food at a time. In this situation, our body will not be able to fully metabolize it and soon will convert it into fat.
3. Weight training - One should include weight training in their weight loss program to lose maximum weight. When you do weight lifting, you will not only be able to burn high amount of calories, but will also be able to improve your overall health. With weight training you will be able to burn high amount of fat compared to other traditional exercise programs and also will be able to speed up your metabolism rate.
4. High amount of protein - Go for foods that have higher amount of protein and will help you in burning fat at a faster pace and will also help you in improving your metabolism speed. You should chose protein enriched diets that are low in fat so that you don’t consume higher amount of calories.
5. Reduce calorie intake wisely - When you think of adopting a healthy lifestyle, don’t cut your calorie intake drastically. Reducing calories intake at a fast pace will lower your metabolism level. So use a step method to reduce your calorie intake.
By: Anilg
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All About Sports Nutrition
What is Sports Nutrition?
Science has proven that muscles need specific nutrients to grow and recover and that certain dietary regimens are best for extending training times and achieving peak endurance and performance goals. The sports nutrition market continues to expand exponentially as athletes, bodybuilders and even lay consumers seek new ways to diet, slim down and build strength. Fat burners, lean muscle gainers, metabolism boosters, vitamin waters, energy drinks, nutrition bars, protein powders, shakes and smoothies, nitric oxide formulas, antioxidants, meal replacements and weight loss supplements all fall into the sports nutrition category. Once just for the athletically inclined, the sports nutrition industry now targets the healthy lifestyle, exercise and nutrition of all persons.
Recent reports from the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports reveal that when exercise or physical work exceed more than an hour a day, the importance of adequate energy and nutrients becomes more critical.
"There is no doubt that the type, amount, composition and timing of food intake can dramatically affect exercise performance, recovery from exercise, body weight and composition and health," - Melinda M. Manore, Ph.D., RD, FACSM Department of Nutrition and Food Management, Oregon State University.
Sports nutrition claims and health benefits
Although thousands of sports nutrition products are available to consumers, not all are verifiably nutritious and beneficial. Because over-the-counter sports nutrition products are classified in the U.S. as dietary supplements, they're not regulated by the FDA and, as a result, the efficacy and safety of some products might be questionable. The upside? The manufacturers of sports nutrition products must be truthful in the health claims they state on their labels. Regardless, it's not always easy to distinguish nutritiously substantial products from those that aren't.
Sports nutrition products are said to be most beneficial when targeting specific dietary needs. For instance, bodybuilders may be more concerned about protein intake for muscle gain and recovery, while runners and track and field athletes need to boost endurance and focus more on hydration. An office worker or lay person may consume an energy drink with fat-burning ingredients in the morning and have a meal replacement for lunch, while professionals who work out regularly opt for nutrition bars during snack time and pre and post workout formulas to increase metabolic rate and efficiency.
There are currently no standard recommendations such as RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance), RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) or the new DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) - above and beyond those of individual macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) and others (vitamins, minerals, etc.) - that specifically target sports nutrition intake. Needs vary from person to person and are typically based on individual diet, age, amount and type of daily exercise and weight. Many seek the help of nutritionists, personal trainers and dieticians in an effort to better understand required nutrients and to compile personalized sports nutrition regimens. Others have simply conducted research on the Internet and elsewhere to expand their knowledge base.
Note: The USDA Food and Nutrition Information Center is an excellent Internet source for fitness and health information and guidelines for sports nutrition.
Fat burners
Sports nutrition products that claim to possess fat-burning qualities can be deceiving. Although not too long ago there were only a handful of fat burners available (most were interpretations of the ephedra/caffeine/aspirin (ECA) stack), there are thousands on the market now and few are scientifically backed in terms of efficacy. Since ephedra fat burners were outlawed by the FDA in April 2004 for perpetuating adverse effects such as heart palpitations, insomnia and tremors, supplement companies around the globe have attempted to duplicate ephedra's fat-burning qualities (not entirely proven) with little to no success.
Fat-burning processes in the body vary among individuals and are impacted significantly by diet, amount and type of exercise, body composition, general health, age, weight, gravity, etc. Because the list of physical factors is so extensive, creating one product to suit everyone's fat-burning needs is improbable, hence, the conundrum for supplement companies. It is advisable to research any sports nutrition product that either portends to be a fat burner or one that allegedly contains fat-burning ingredients. Although, fat-burning herbs and plant-based substances may aid fat loss physiologically, conditions must be optimal and the accompanying dietary regimen strict. Nutritionists and dieticians continue to suggest that a balanced diet combined with adequate exercise remains the best way to lose weight, burn fat and keep it off.
Sports nutrition and lean muscle
Building lean muscle with sports nutrition products is a science. Products which target muscle toning, strength, size and physique (protein powders, shakes, smoothies, protein bars, etc.) have proven beneficial to athletes and bodybuilders over time and many contain the basic nutrition needed by cells to produce energy and for muscle tissue to grow and repair. Some products are most beneficial to the body when consumed before working out while others are best consumed after.
Similar to fat-burning supplements, individuals need to experiment with a variety of sports nutrition products before finding one that maximizes lean muscle mass and strength. There are thousands on the market, and claims made by supplement companies range from unsubstantiated to varying levels of efficacy based on product research, ingredients, freshness, handling and brand.
Endurance gains
Once in tip top physical shape, the next step for athletes and bodybuilders is to extend workout times and endurance. Many lay people have even use endurance-enhancing sports nutrition products in an attempt to relieve fatigue, laziness and a decline in mental acuity and sharpness (often resulting from poor diet). In order to benefit from sports nutrition endurance products, both muscles and cardio systems need to be fit and ready. Although energy drinks and other products that contain caffeine, herbal stimulants, fruit sugars and other plant-based derivatives may provide a short-term energy boost, long-term endurance gains can be obtained only through proper nutrition, balanced electrolytes and an efficient metabolism.
Sports nutrition safety - buyer beware
Because the sports nutrition industry makes available such a wide variety of beverages, snacks, endurance formulas, foods and supplements (and in different pricing categories), consumers must educate themselves on best case scenarios. Many sports nutrition products are fortified with substantial vitamins, minerals, whole food derivatives and nutrition, while others offer little more than processed sugars, low-quality ingredients and scant scientific research to back claims of efficacy and nutritional support.
• If flavor is the primary concern, little knowledge and research is required other than a little trial and error
• If nutrition and results are the focus, it's advisable that consumers research several product lines and compare and evaluate individual ingredients in order to arrive at a sound value consensus.
Sports nutrition and the FDA
Most sports nutrition products are classified as dietary supplements and are not regulated or inspected by the FDA. As mentioned previously, this may call into question product content, safety and efficacy. An Internet search using the phrase "sports nutrition and the FDA" turns out hundreds of warning letters issued by the FDA to sports nutrition companies making unsubstantiated health claims about products. It's advisable to research a sports nutrition product thoroughly before buying it to make an informed decision regarding safety and potential benefits.
1. The Vegetarian Sports Nutrition Guide: Peak Performance for Everyone from Beginners to Gold Medalists. The Complementary and Alternative Medicine Information Source Book. Edition 1, 2001 p149(1).
2. European sports nutrition to hit 4bn. Alex McNally. Beverage Aug. 2007.
3. Department of Health and Human Services. Feb 2003.
4. Nutrition and Physical Activity: Fueling the Active Individual. Research Digest Series 5 no. 1 March 2004. Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
5. Rating the fat burners: find out what the most effective fat-burning supplement is and how to avoid getting ripped off! Marvin Heuer. Muscle & Fitness. March 2006 v67 i3 p110(4).
6. Sales of Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids (Ephedra) Prohibited. US FDA 2004.
7. Time to grow: whatever your bodybuilding goals, with these instructions on what to eat and when, your muscle gains will be covered round-the-clock. Allan Donnelly, Jim Stoppani. Flex. Oct 2007 v25 i8 p158(5).
By: Mitch Pellecchia
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Malaria Symptoms - Treatment And Prevention
In this article the aim is to point out the various things you should know about Malaria. You will learn what the Malaria symptoms are, should you think you’ve been bitten, and what treatment and prevention methods are normally advised.
If you’re going on holiday or if you’re going to be working in malarial areas most travel companies and Doctors will advise what sort of precaution and prevention you will need. Some of preventive drugs can have side affects but it will be certainly worth the risk rather than catching Malaria, and the most frightening thing for most people is that it can take a week before any Malaria symptoms can be detected
In normal circumstances it’s the female mosquito of the Anopheles species that bites someone and then passes on a parasite by the name of Plasmodium. Once this parasite is inside of you it travels in your blood till it reaches the liver, and from there it will enter the blood stream again where it attacks the red blood cells that feed oxygen around our bodies.
Many of the diseases that affect the human body today are bad if not terrible. The last two decades have seen a lot of publicity about Aids with television coverage, and pop concerts yet Malaria goes by without a mention. Each year it is estimated that over 600 million people and children will suffer from Malaria, and at a guess the death rate is something up to 3 million. This figure cannot be accurate as many people that suffer will never even see a Doctor as they live out in poor communities far away from medical help.
For prevention you must get the most up to date information from your Doctor who will advise what precaution as far as different vaccines. You must also make sure you have the right sort of netting for your bedding, and be sure to have some form of replant.
The main malaria symptoms are as follows and this is bearing in mind that you have been bitten by the Anopheles species. Headaches, nausea, fever, vomiting and flu like symptoms. If you do suspect that you have been bitten be sure to seek medical help.
By: Mike Hince
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happiness Tips: Make The Decision To Be Happy
Are you happy? Have you actually made the decision to be happy in your life?
Do you have fun living your life each day? Are you having fun living your life today, right now?
If not, why not?
Wouldn’t it be terrific to wake up in the morning full of gratitude for the opportunity to live a great life today, and then to go out and live it? How would that make you feel? What would that look like for you? What would it sound like?
You can have all of that, and you can experience all of that; and you can begin to have this right now, starting today.
Do you believe me? Clearly there is something inside of you that, at the very least, wants to believe these words.
I spent 23 years of my adult life (not to mention most of my formative childhood years) believing that I had to live my life according to someone else’s rules. I was locked into a formula that was essentially prescribed to me by the environment (parents, schools, government, church, etc.) in which I was raised.
It went something like this: get a good education, get a good job, work hard and keep your nose to the grindstone, scrimp and save your money, put off what you’d love to do until later, avoid taking any risks, and if you’re lucky you’ll get to enjoy yourself in your twilight years.
Does this sound vaguely familiar?
In my particular case, it actually was working out reasonably well. I had a “good job”, was earning a reasonable salary and had achieved a degree of success in my life. Or at least that’s how it appeared on the outside.
But on the inside, I was miserable. I was caught up in the struggle of my day-to-day life – quite literally choosing to make it a struggle without ever realizing that’s what I was doing. I was in a sleep walk of day-to-day drudgery. I was most definitely not living the life of my dreams, the life I love.
Until one day I simply decided it was time to stop. I chose to wake up.
Finally there came a day when I simply couldn’t take it anymore and so I made the decision that it was time to stop. I made the decision to change the way I was living and to jump off of the treadmill. I made the decision to change my life. I made the decision to begin living my life on my terms.
The effect was magical. A thousand pound weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt relieved. I felt alive. I felt inspired. I began actually enjoying my life.
And so now here I am suggesting to you that you can begin to live the life you want – the life you love – right now beginning today.
Because all it really takes is for you to make the decision.
Oh, I know that sounds simplistic. Yet it’s true, and deep down there’s a part of you that knows it’s true.
By truly making that decision – that single, mental decision – everything changes. Everything changes because your perspective changes.
For me, my decision led to some very explicit actions. I resigned from my job and decided to build my own business with my wife Michelle, from home. Frankly I had no idea how any of it was going to work and how we’d be able to pay the bills or keep the kids fed and clothed, except that I believed it would. Looking back now, I suppose I just knew it would.
Well, go figure, things have worked out beautifully. The sky didn’t fall. The world didn’t end. Things have certainly changed, mind you. We don’t hang out with all of the same people we used to. Our activities have become more focused on family and friends as opposed to fitting things around my job. We live a much more relaxed life. We have more fun. We have fun every day.
What about you? What do you love? What are the things you’d love to do right now with your life? Can you feel them calling you?
If you can, then listen to and follow them. For there is one thing that is absolutely true: there is no need to struggle in your life. You make real whatever you believe is real. This is the basic law of the universe, the law of attraction.
So the first thing to do is to let go of the notion that it’s different for you ,or that somehow you are not allowed to live the life you want. Let go of the notion that you’re somehow not deserving of that privilege. Stop marginalizing yourself.
You deserve to be happy and enjoy your life. That’s the whole point of living – to experience the joy of it.
Yes, the entire idea of following your bliss can be extremely frightening. And fear leads to all sorts of wild emotions, but that’s part of being human. Remember though, fear is all in your head. It’s all about what you imagine might happen. Those wild emotions that you feel as a result of your fears need not define you.
In his book, Conversations With God, Neale Donald Walsh tells us we have three tools of creation. They are thought, words, and action. It is your thoughts, your words, and your actions that define you – for they are the summation of who you are being.
So this begs the question, who do you want to be?
Get in touch with your own truth about who you want to be and then start being that person right now, today. Begin to live your passion and enjoy your life. It’s much easier than you suspect. It’s remarkably easy to let the “how” unfold; just let your inspiration be your guide.
Your inspiration will never misguide you. By being focused on who and what you want to be, you will be inspired to think the thoughts, speak the words and take the actions that make that being your reality. The more you are being, the more you’ll be doing and the more you’ll be having what you want. The more you will be living the life that you love. And so the circle repeats, over and over, with each cycle more strongly reinforcing who you are and what you love to be.
It’s a magnificent thing. It’s freedom.
And so now it is time for you to begin your path to living the life you love. Begin living the life you want right now.
Begin by making the decision to be happy with your life right now. Begin today.
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The Environment Pollution
By Kh. Atiar Rahman
According to Commoneous, a renowned educationist," What comes from God is true and with the touch of human beings, it becomes untrue". Again, in this context, Keats says," The truth is beauty and beauty is truth ".
Hence all the sources of beauties and the truth are this world. The world we live in is the most attractive place with striking landscapes and features, wild and domesticated animals, and a variety of odoriferous flowers, evergreen trees and the most wonderful creation of the Lord- the human beings.
The world has been created for the human beings so that they would applause the Lord for his power and preserves these natural beauties with undiminished care. But ever since, the world began; man has been doing the opposite thing bit by bit. He has been making progress in science and industry; great deals of landscape and wild life are being abolished day by day.
Over population in small areas has given birth to traffic jam and poverty, which destroys the people. Trees have been cut down to make way for construction of modern buildings. Waste disposal is discarded on land and water, which spread mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes enter the household and sit on food and spray dirt on the food from the waste and many more harmful activities for which man has started to destroy the beauty of the world. In clearing forests to create fields for farming and constructing new houses, man destroys the native animals and takes away their sources of food.
His domestic animals kill them or man haunts them for meat, ivory or furs. Consequentially, the numbers of those haunted animals are minimized and a few numbers of these animals' lives are at stake.
The contaminations are common phenomena through out the world causing a great crisis against our healthy environment in question. Our environment is greatly being polluted every time due to air and water pollution. Air is mainly being polluted from smokes. When the bricks are burnt, unbounded smokes are created. The compositions of such smoke particles are nicotine, thiophin, Furan, phosgene, sulfur dioxide and pyridine.
These particles pollute the air tremendously. The smokes are also created when different vehicles ply over along the streets. For these reasons, all the streets are filled with the smokes that adversely affect the human health conditions. Burning poisonous gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, nitric acids and sulfuric acids, again create the smokes. These particles make the air heavy and polluted.
In order to construct buildings, dams and embankments, lots of plants and trees are cut down and subsequently these are burnt for bricks for which air is polluted to a great extent. In the winter-based country, the plants and trees are being planted in the artificial manner by storing sun light under some restricted environment.
The things, which are being done in the green house, are the increasing of carbon dioxide, which affects the environment adversely. We need to ensure the proper use of carbon dioxide by growing the plants and trees adequately without which congenital atmosphere for our survival on earth would not have been possible.
Epilepsy Drugs and Treatment
By Ryan Block
The most common way to treat epilepsy is to prescribe anti-epileptic drugs. The first antiepileptic drugs were bromides, bromides were introduced by Sir Charles Locock in 1857.
He observed that bromides had a sedative effect and seemed to reduce seizures. More than 20 different antiepileptic drugs are currently available, all with different benefits and draw backs including side effects.
The choice of which drug you take, and at what dosage, depends on a lot of factors, some factors are the type of seizures you have, your age, current health, and how often you have seizures.
People with epilepsy should do what their doctor prescribes and ask any questions about their epilepsy drugs that they may have.
Doctors seeing a patient who was just diagnoised with epilepsy are often prescribed carbamazepine, valproate, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or phenytoin first, unless the epilepsy is a type that requires different treatment.
For absence seizures, ethosuximide is often the best treatment. Other commonly prescribed drugs include clonazepam, phenobarbital, and primidone.
Some relatively new epilepsy drugs include tiagabine, gabapentin, topiramate, levetiracetam, and felbamate. Other drugs can be used in combination with one of the standard drugs or for intractable seizures that do not respond to other medications.
A few drugs, like fosphenytoin, have been approved for use only in hospitals to treat specific problems such as epilepticus.
For people who have frequent severe seizures that can be easily recognized by the person's family, the drug diazepam is now available as a gel that can be administered rectally.
This method of drug delivery may be able to prevent epilepticus.
For most people with epilepsy, seizures can be controlled with one drug. Combining medications usually amplifies negative side effects such as fatigue and decreases appetite, so doctors usually prescribe only one epilepsy drug, Combinations of drugs are sometimes prescribed if one drug fails to effectively control your seizures.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Amex Gold Credit Card Review
American Express gold credit card is one of the best business credit cards in the small business credit card category. If you have been watching TV lately, you have probably seen the funny commercial about the individual who uses a card with a funny card face to pay for a business lunch.
The American Express Gold cards is prestigious and impressive in almost any cases and can give your small business a certain level of credibility in business situations.
So let’s talk about the cons first. The card does come with a $125 fee, which you will have to pay on your second year. In addition, you will be charged $45 for an extra card, which is waived in many competing offers.
In addition, this card is a charge card, which means you will have to pay the full amount at the end of each month (your due time).
But there are so many benefits to American Gold Credit Card as well. As mentioned before, the Gold card is a prestigious card that gives your small business more credibility. In addition, you can take advantage of AMEX’s rewards program, which is the best one that is out there.
You also save 3-25% on business purchases at companies like FedEx®, Delta®, Hertz®. Your first purchase entitles you to 5000 points, which should be a good incentive for you to start using this card. When you have spent $20,000 on your card, you’ll be rewarded with another bonus of 5,000 membership points. Reach $50,000 in spending and get a bonus of 20,000 points.
Renew your card after the first year, and receive a bonus of 10,000 points. Spend an average of $5,000 each month and receive 60,000 points. And let’s not forget that every dollar you spend gets you a rewards point.
There are no limits for the number of points you can earn and your points do not expire. You also have the most flexibility with your points as you can choose to spend them whenever you want. You can use them for travel or entertainment activities. The choice is yours.
The American Express Gold card is for serious businesses only. The fee of $125 is not substantial but it will be an extra cost if you don’t plan on using all the rewards offered with your American Express card.
Overall, the card is worth it if you have substantial small business spending each month. In that case, it can save you a lot on your future small business needs, making this card great for small businesses that are past the early stages.
By: Panah. C
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Monday, December 15, 2008
Great Christmas Gifts Ideas
by John Pike
This is the perfect time to plan your Christmas gifts because most of the good gifts will be sold out if you are too late. There are some great Christmas ideas so that you can act now and buy them.
The top Christmas gifts ideas are:
1. Digital Camera: These are also great Christmas gifts which can be gifted to any one. Everyone wants to record the moments of life and a digital camera is great for this purpose. The best digital cameras are made by Canon and Sony. There are cameras in various price ranges. Therefore, you can buy the one which suits your budget.
2. iPods and Walkmans: iPods and Walkmans are also extremely popular these days. There are many people who are crazy for music and some enjoy the music casually. Therefore, iPods and Walkmans are for everyone. These devices are also very popular and make a great music player.
3. Mobile Phone: There are many trendy mobiles out in market. The most famous of all is iPhone and Google’s G1. Both these phones are a complete package. They have all the latest applications and a good camera. They also have great integrated music players. So, these phones make the top Christmas presents this year.
4. Laptop: If you can afford giving a Laptop then nothing is more convincing then a Laptop. However, there are also many affordable laptops available these days like Asus EEE series. Laptops are best for students as everyone is running a home business and so they definitely need a Laptop.
5. Gaming Console: Gaming consoles are also the best entertainment source these days. There are many gaming consoles available in market. We recommend that you can either gift a Wii or a PSP. We are recommending these consoles because they can be used by anyone. Wii is easy to operate and has games which everyone can enjoy. Additionally, PSP is also a good portable console with integrated music player. So, PSP is also a good entertainment package. Therefore, both these consoles make good Christmas presents.
6. LCD: LCD’s televisions are also great Christmas because LCD’s make sure that you really enjoy watching television. There are LCD’s in different price range. There are normal LCD and also high definition LCD TV’s. The best LCD’s are made by Sony in Bravia series. You can choose one which suits the needs of the person you want to gift. LCD’s are also available in many sizes. However, we recommend that you gift the LCD with size 32” or 40”.
7. Gifts Cards. There are many websites like Amazon and which allow you to send a gift card which can be used by the receiver to buy the product and money is deducted from the sender’s account. These gift cards are used when you are not sure what gift is best for the receiver.
8. Amazon Kindle. These are great device which can connect to Internet and download eBooks and also help you to read them. Therefore, these make great Christmas presents.
9. Movies: There are some movies which everyone likes and these movies are easily available in any store. Everyone has vacations and weekends and movie DVD’s can be watched on weekends. These make a perfect Christmas gift because everyone is having vacations and so they can watch and enjoy movies with family.
10. CDs: There are also many CDs available like entertainment CD packs and education packs. There are CD packs available for people of all ages. These make a great Christmas present.
There are also many romantic gifts available which can be used for gifting to your spouse. These gifts are like heart shaped watches, chocolates etc. These gifts make sure that the love in your relation is still alive.
So, act now and preplan and buy your Christmas gifts before they are sold out.
source :
Sunday, December 14, 2008
6 Amazing Tips On How To Manage Your Stress
Stress is everywhere. And with the fast-paced life that people live nowadays, stress has been a huge part of everyone's life. In fact, people are so used to it that they treat it as a normal daily occurrence. This is not normal at all. Stress, when not managed properly, can lead to all kinds of health problems, primary of which is heart problems. This is especially true with people who have had family history of heart problems.
Stress management is however really easy to do when you make an effort. In fact, if you keep in mind to prevent it from happening, you can actually live a stress-free life or at the very least be able to cope with it easily. After all, dealing with stress is stressful in itself.
Below are some great tips to help manage the stress. You don't actually have to go to elaborate ways to release the stress. You can get rid of it by preventing its occurrence in the first place. Read on and you might just keep those wrinkles from showing up.
1. Keep yourself more organized
Stress is so usual these days that it's already expected. So it's better that you prepare yourself for the big ones and let go of the smaller, insignificant pests. You can only do this if you keep your life organized. You may not know it but simply looking for your misplaced pen in the office can already put you in a lot of stress, not to mention, cause you to lose your concentration. Don't let that happen to you. Keeping your things organized will make you more prepared to deal with the bigger ones.
2. Start on your projects early
It is not true that creative juices only come out in cramming times. It only comes out during those times because we are forced to think. And with enough willpower, we can certainly think of creative concepts without stressing ourselves for lack of time. Starting early on your projects will also mean that you don't have to hurry when you are working on the project. You can take your time and really think about what you are planning to do with your project. This will not only prevent you from getting stressed out but also allow you to create a more effective and complete project.
3. Live a healthy lifestyle
Stress levels will rarely affect you when you are prepared for it, health-wise. You see, when your body is healthy and is full of energy, you are more or less protected from the effects of stress such as lowering of energy levels, nervous breakdown and sometimes, even heart disease. This can only be done by living healthy through eating the right kinds of food, getting enough sleep each night and taking the time to relax.
4. Take a break from your normal life.
If you feel that you are already nearing your breaking point, don't be a martyr. Take a break and get out of town or take a short vacation. This will do you a lot of good as it will help you recharge and de-stress yourself. If you are too busy, don't postpone it just drop everything and take care of yourself. Not doing so will only make the stress fester inside until you become too stressed out to even be productive.
This is the reason why employers give vacation leave so that people can take a full day of rest or a couple of days of rest to regain their former energy levels and creative selves.
5. Manage your stress through massage therapy
Stress management through massage therapy is considered as the modern antidote for stress because it helps combat stress by trying to reduce the tension build up in the muscles. Aside from boosting the body's immune system, massage therapy also prevents the decrease in circulation and nutrient delivery to tissues which many people who are stressed often are prone with.
6. Use aromatherapy as a stress buster
When it comes to aromatherapy, it involves the procedure that uses essential oils and aims to bring notable changes in a person's mood or body. With the use of essential oils which are derived from various plants and their part that are believed to have therapeutic properties aromatherapy continues to be adapted by more and more people across the globe because of its numerous benefits.
By: James Stein
Article Directory:
Yoga & Stress Relief
Yoga is an ancient practice of exercise come into light from the rishis and maharishis. Yoga is the holistic name that includes exercise, meditation and ultimately moksha – meaning relief from the material world.
Now why are we talking about yoga? In today’s fast paced world where one does not have time to sleep and eat, stress is inevitable. Everyone wants a shortcut to success and make more greens, but in the bargain they compromise on their health, relations and life on the whole gets into a dump
Yoga can help you. Firstly understand that when you get tensed your muscles get tightened, your breathing is fastened making your blood flow recede. This leads to more palpitation, high blood pressure, headaches, body aches and ultimately leading to sickness.
When you practice simple yoga for breathing known as pranayam, you let air in and out at a steady pace. Nadi shodhanam is one yogic breathing posture where you sit cross legged on the floor with an upright back.
Take left hand palm and curl your fingers to the centre leaving your thumb and little finger straightened out. Press the thumb to your left nostril and breathe in from your right nostril, then hold your right nostril with the little finger and release the air through your left nostril. This simple alternating breathing exercise allows air to pass through your nerve channels releasing all your tensed muscles.
When you breathe normally, you think normally and when you breathe well your body is happy and so is your mind. Enroll yourself to many of the yoga classes if you are a beginner as you need to know the right posture and style of exercise.
Sometimes when you get stressed some of your body organs too get tightened and do not function as required due to the pressure you are putting on it leading to sickness and pain. Hence yoga practiced everyday for atleast half an hour helps in regulating your body metabolism and breathing. Your concentration increases and the focus. You will be able to deliver more and be more productive than you ever think and even multi-task which is the need of today’s world.
Once you master the breathing exercises get to the next step of asanas, there are pure exercises that help functioning of your organs. These exercises if practiced everyday go a long way in helping you enjoy the good life as it lasts for years and years. There are no side effects if you leave it and you will see your weight and body size stabilize for years together. Slowly but surely.
By: Jennie Gandhi
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Different Types Of Traffic Generation Methods
When it comes to traffic generation, the whole process can be overwhelming and frustrating for the new Internet marketer. That is because there are so many different ways to drive traffic on the Internet. Each traffic generation tactic takes time to master - some are easier to learn, while others have a very steep learning curve. So no matter which traffic generation method you choose to start with, be patient! Good results will soon follow if you persist. Here are some common traffic generation methods that you can consider picking up.
Article marketing.
This is one of the easiest traffic generation method to learn. Article marketing involves writing articles and submitting them to article directories for publication and syndication. Not only will your articles and links be published on these directories, your submitted content will be syndicated to other sites such as forums, blogs, and so on. This will bring you more traffic.
Search engine optimization.
The major search engines provide a constant stream of targeted traffic month after month. You will have to optimize your site for best results, and you will also have to build as many back links as you can. When authority sites link to your sites, you tend to get better rankings in the search engines. This traffic generation method may take a little more time to see results, but results are long term.
Pay per click.
This traffic generation method can be very profitable for you if you know what you are doing. It is scalable, which means that with money, you can buy as much traffic as you want. The downside is that the learning curve is rather steep, and you may have to spend a lot of money upfront to test things out. To speed up the learning process, it is highly recommended that you consider investing in traffic generation courses.
Online communities.
Some call it web 2.0. Online communities have been on the rise for the past few years. Community sites like Youtube, Facebook and Myspace are all dominant forces with millions of members. Other sites like niche forums or blogs also give you targeted traffic. The key to driving traffic source from online communities is to participate and share. The more you participate, the more others feel that they know you. When you start sharing useful information, other members will be curious to find what other great stuff you have to offer, and visit your websites. And when they do, that's when you stand a chance of making sales.
Ezine advertising.
This is one of the oldest traffic generation method but it is highly effective. There are ezine owners who have a list of email addresses. These email contacts are collected over the years by offering something free - an ezine.
In exchange for the free content that they receive, subscribers give permission to receive advertising every now and then. Mostly, these ezine owners do not own products, so they advertise other people's products. You can offer them a small fee just to place an advertisement in the next issue of the ezine.
There are other traffic generation methods but the above methods should get you started.
Article Directory:
How To Get Traffic To Your New Web Pages
Creating an internet page is something most people can do, but to get people to visit your page can be a major task. Here I go through the best and cheapest way to drive traffic to your pages. All it costs is time and patient.
The first a novice can do is to switch links with other webmasters You can by trading links with other webmasters get targeted traffic to your page. It is also terribly easy! Find web pages that relate to your website, but not directly competing. Send an email to webmaster andprovide him to switch links. This will increase traffic on both your and your link partners page. It's free, and requires only a little work from you and your link partner.
Then you should sign up at various forums that are related to what your page is about. Add the link to your page in the signature that come at bottom of each post. Ask questions and made comments to other posts. For each post you write, your link will be added. But here you must
be very careful not to write too much and to meaningless. It may be easy for the Forum's moderator to believe you are only looking for publicity, and exclude up for spaming. Write serious and meaningful.
Another effective way to promote your website is to write articles that you send to online magazines. Article writing is also a good way to gain some sort of credibility in the internet marketing world. Writing articles for content websites is quite a bit different than writing
for magazines. Don't forget that the reason every one is banging on about article writing, is that there is no better way to obtain a one way link and generate traffic to your website. If the content is good the articles will be published and readers who like your article will
visit your website. You can also write simple research and academic material that you let people publish freely on their websites. In the bottom of the article write a little about yourself and provide a link to your website. The benefit of doing this is that it establishes you
as an expert in your field. Chances will be greater for the visitors, for example, signs up for your newsletter. If you are having trouble getting started, have a look at published articles on the same subject as you intend to write about. As with any subject these days, there
is plenty of good advice on article writing flying around the net, you just have to go and look for it. There are loads of article submission sites on the internet. By submitting your articles to these sites, you are almost guaranteed to gain some traffic for your website.
Take advantage of the signature of your Epost One of the fastest and easiest ways to get traffic to your website is to add the website address to your email signature. This way, you promote your page each time you send an e-mail. Best of all, you do not have to make some effort for it.
A Search Engine is a computer program that searches a resource to return a response for specific inquiries. An attempt to bring organization to chaos. Adding your link to the most basic search engines is a "must". I think especially on Google and Yahoo.
Human edited directory like is one of the best ways of getting incoming links that are high value, have good inherent worth and will amp UP your exposure in the free search engine traffic game. Human edited directories have a greater perceived value in that they are
not "spammy" by definition ( nor as they are valued by the SERPS) and not only will you get traffic from the directories themselves, but also, and potentially more importantly, your credibility will increase exponentially with each high value link you can secure. It's important
to note that you are NOT going for reciprocal links here, or even paid links. You want good incoming link from respected authority sites and directories that are well established in the online spaces where you publish.
Finally, the most important thing is to not give up. It,s always slow in the beginning. Some search engines and article sits need up to 8 weeks to add your page and your article. On you can add your link for free. Add the link today, and it is guaranteed discoverd by all the major search engines.
By: Einar Lang
Article Directory:
Generating Online Website Traffic
The Truth About Generating Online Website Traffic
It is easy to build a website these days, with many of the free blogger networks offering everything from ready-made templates to HTML tutorials. It is that easy, but generating traffic to your website, well that's another matter. With almost anyone propping up a website or two, getting the right amount of attention will take some effort on your part. It is, in a way, similar to a bookshop seeking customers. With many new 'bestsellers' vying for shelf-space, the only way these books get picked up is as a result of 'getting the word out'. That phrase is the key to generating a healthy dose of internet traffic to your website. The major handicap that most internet marketers face is a lack of internet traffic, mainly because they failed to get the word out.
So let's say that you have managed to get the website up and running, now the only thing left for you to do is to go on a marketing binge. Getting visitors to your website is the objective, that's a given. So with that in mind, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you achieve your objective.
You can start by incorporating a feed on your website, try 'feedburner' ( a google tool that allows blog owners and podcasters the ability to manage their RSS feeds and track usage of their subscribers), as that seems to be the popular choice and it is free to use - which is an additional incentive. The point is that any time you add fresh content to your site, it gets converted into a 'feed', making it possible for many feed subscribers to access it immediately. The whole idea behind the 'feeds' is that it makes content available to multiple internet users and provides content in real time, allowing you to garner some valuable traffic in the process. Now feeds are just a small step in the right direction. You will need to make sure that your site url is posted to the various search engines out there thereby increasing your site's reach.
But the above method is utilized by nearly every webmaster and may not get you the huge increase in traffic that you are looking for. So here are a few additional strategies.
You can visit other websites; provide comments to blogs resulting in valuable one way links. You can utilize some of the paid traffic sites to increase your traffic. Though webmasters do use the paid traffic option as a marketing tool, it works only if the traffic provided is real and not one delivered by 'web robots' (used for web-spidering at a much higher speed than humanly possible). It's essential that you check out the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page of the 'paid traffic' site to see if the site in question provides this source of traffic. If they do not, then you can be sure that the traffic delivered by such sites is not that beneficial.
Article marketing, now that's a method that works seamlessly. The traffic generated by way of posting articles to some of the major article directories is so effective that webmasters have started using it for affiliate marketing, another cool way to make money as long as you are able to generate the traffic. But here is the catch, you need to be able to write well, for it is only a good article that will generate traffic. In addition to the directories, you can try your hand with some of the classified sites such as google and ebay OR utilize the benefits of google ad sense.
There is no doubt that marketing online will take a little effort on your part and it will be sometime before you can see some meaningful results. However at the end of the day, having worked through some of the approaches listed above, you should be able to generate a healthy dose of internet traffic to your site.
By: Garry Macdonald
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Saturday, December 6, 2008
Nutrition With Cereals
Cereals are kind of plant food directly obtained from grain or seeds of some plants, these are quite used to human food and animal, because within its major components, there are some quite useful for the physical and mental development of people, especially in children and persons active or sports.
The use of cereals is being developed as historical precedents from ancient Egypt and even the oldest mythical Chinese, this accomplishment in that era, not only because of its benefits to humans, but in turn for its pleasant taste and diverse elements.
It's important to note that in large part due to the production of the cereal world was divided into three areas specifically, European culture will concentrate on producing wheat, rice Eastern culture and ultimately American culture corn, achieving in this way again cereals in one of the most common elements in the diet of people around the world.
The grain inside include whether some structure that is basic to mention, since a large variety of its profits come from its specific components, some of these parties are:
- This is the outer layer that protects the integrity of the seed, this in turn is a carrier of a large number of oils and acids quite beneficial to our bodies.
- This is the outer layer of sub-seed which fulfills the functions of collecting inside if a significant and recognizable amount of vitamins and vegetable oils.
- endosperm: the floury structure that surrounds the nucleus and that in turn provides the nutrients necessary for their development.
- Core, embryo or germ: This is the center of the seed and is where he collected most of vitamins and nutrients they provide cereals to us.
When we speak of cereals is impossible not to mention the food on which these are present and in turn the properties or benefits that these bring to our good performance organic, some of these foods are:
- Pan integral: this is possibly the most food-type cereal known not only for its pleasant taste, but in turn for their interesting qualities to improve the immune system and digestive tract of people thanks to the large amount of fiber and vitamins present in that food.
- Oats: This very common food with which one can develop a large amount of food is enough to be recognized not only by nature of cereal, but also by our agency to provide substantial amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements helpful for things like the immune system.
- Soybeans: this cereal is fairly recognized not only by its usefulness in the kitchen to make some excellent preparations, but also because it has elements like iron, phosphorus and protein, which is quite useful especially for those athletes.
- Pasta: This is possibly another type of food grain most widely used and known at present, because it is an essential part of the daily diet of a number of people without not only because of its pleasant taste, but also by the high content of elements such as B-complex vitamins, minerals, amino acids and carbohydrates that are able to successfully stimulate the entire human organ system.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What Teens Need To Know About Smoking
Teens are innocent of the dangers of smoking because they see their elders merrily winded away. Peer coerced is another culprit that leads early people to smoke, but in some gear, smoking is an act of insolence or purely the findings of curiosity. If you think your teenager is into smoking and if your disbelief mark, be fretful and educate your spawn on the dangers of smoking.
Smoking and It's Threat to Life and Limb
Each year, millions of people die from smoking-linked diseases. The form is possible to improve yearly as more litter people are charming up the deadly vice. The youngest smoker is a 7-year-old kid who earns his keep scrounging for recyclable scraps.
This scenario is in a third world country and is just the tip of an iceberg. Smoking is ingestion away brood lives but earning governments billions of dollars in tax revenues. So the emanate remainder unresolved, similar to the early dire overall warming predictions, which many show to discount.
Several cancers results of time of smoking and infantile people are at a higher venture because of their early and prolonged exposure to the poison. Nevertheless quitting smoking is just as tricky as quitting heroin. Support groups are open to help people get out of the rat weakness and found living recovered lives. Nevertheless it is difficult. Smoking is not illegal and minors immovable smoking are not penalized. Therefore, the vicious rotation continues. If you parent with youth who smoke, you should be alarmed and take immediate action to help your teens desert the addictive routine.
Helping Teens Quit Smoking
A distraught mom reported that her son and daughter were immovable smoking in their rooms. The betraying whiff of cigarette smoke gave away the enigma. Empty cigarette packs and cigarette butt were open in the gibberish bin. Alarmed, she reported the skirmish to her husband, also a non-smoker and together they educated their children on the dangers of smoking, enlisting them in rehabilitation and keep program to help wean their children from smoking.
If you can't fastener your children smoking at home, try to find out who they sling out with, and where they consume time after educate. Somehow, superstar will be able to tell you if your teenager's contacts are into smoking for the fun of it.
Telling your son or daughter not to go with their smoking links will not yield any capable significance. Instead, provoke their links over and show them YouTube videos on the irreversible effects of smoking on the body. Give them books on the produce of smoking or invite a surgeon to your children's drill or to a homeowners' association seminar to converse the perils of smoking. Organize parents and ask the teach's administration and faculty to wage war on smoking. There shouldn't be smoking and non-smoking areas in schools. Instead, smoking should be banned outright. Amid protests, you can always make it obvious that sometimes parents and teachers have to be cruel to be kind. Smoking is deadly and there is no other euphemism for it.
Be unswerving in your labors to wage war against teen smoking. Smoking teens will be smoking adults and will undergo the consequences in the upcoming. Instead of waiting at disaster to assault, plus the movement now. If you fondness your teens, put your bottom down. They'll thank you for your sustained labors to help them get rid of a deadly and costly addiction.
By: Jon Simms
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Can You Really Quit Smoking With Hypnosis?
By Mark Tyrrell
Yes, you really can quit smoking with hypnosis, and it's fascinating to see how it works.
Successfully keeping up a smoking habit requires the smoker to really buy into some serious 'double think'. This allows the smoker to continue doing something which they know full well to be harmful, while kidding themselves that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.
Smoking: Justifying the unjustifiable?
You're bound to have heard some of the amazing justifications people trot out:
• I could die in a car crash tomorrow, so why not enjoy myself? (your chances of dying in a car crash are about 1 in 25,000, whereas 1 in 2 long term smokers will be killed by smoking)
• smoking calms me down
• my uncle smoked 200 a day and ran marathons and it never did him any harm
• it's cool (what??)
• it's addictive
• it relieves boredom
• it's a way to rebel against all the killjoys
• smokers are more interesting than non-smokers
• it's part of 'who I am'
• it gives me something to do with my hands
• smoking is my one reliable friend
• and so on...
Stopping smoking is not just about dealing with the smoking behavior itself, but also with these habits of mind that smokers deploy to protect their smoking. Smokers are ready to stop when they begin to see that they have been conned, and that they have been conning themselves. But they may find themselves struggling to conquer the habits that surround their smoking.
Hypnosis and quitting smoking - a natural partnership
This is where hypnosis comes into its own. A skilled hypnotist will not only know how to help a smoker unhook themselves from outdated habits, but will also know how to get even the most trenchant, infatuated of smokers to fall out of love with their nicotine abuser.
Curiously, smoking is itself a 'hypnotic' behavior. And smokers often find themselves lighting up and smoking in response to triggers - post-hypnotic cues - in the environment, like picking up a drink, or calming down after a row. It's often argued that this behavior is due to the addictive nature of smoking. But experience shows that even hardened smokers can go without if the context is one of 'not smoking'. For example, countless smokers have told me that they 'don't even think of it' on long haul flights where smoking is prohibited. Fifty a day smokers still sleep hours at a stretch without smoking. The fact is, if you do something enough times, it starts to feel natural.
Not as crazy as smoking...
Imagine you click your fingers a thousand times a day, for twenty years. Every time you have a drink, you click your fingers. Every time you have a break, finger clicking. Every time you finish a meal, or sex - you click. Pretty soon it feels natural to click your fingers in these times, and unnatural if you don't do it. You are not physically addicted to clicking, but your mind has a powerful learned association and has come to expect the clicking. After twenty years, having a drink without finger clicking is going to feel more than a little strange.
Smoking cessation and hypnosis
In my experience of helping hundreds of smokers to quit, even people who smoke sixty a day really only smoke a few. What do I mean? Well, only, say, the first one of the day, the one after lunch or at breaks, and the one after the evening meal are really enjoyed, savored - or even noticed. The others just 'con their way in' - a hurried smoke in the car or while walking for the bus, a quick one before the movie, a rushed one here and there. Now once you deal with the few really savored cigarettes then the others tend to drop away, like so many skin warts denied life blood.
Hypnosis is an excellent tool for getting inside the mindset that holds destructive patterns in place and getting the victim of such a mindset to stop being pushed around by old destructive patterns. At last they can stop 'protecting' what is undermining them. Hypnosis can be used to clean away ingrained smoking associations, getting the mind and body onside, working together to lose the smoking and create a viable and natural sense of a better, healthier and freer future without the smoking.
source : and Taking Care of Cultured Pearl Earrings
By Tina Ko
Cultured pearl earrings are usually small but eye-catching and very expensive. If you want to be sure that you're getting the worth of your money, follow these helpful tips about buying and taking good care of your jewelry investment.
Shopping for Cultured Pearl Earrings
There are a lot of things to consider when sourcing for cultured pearl earrings online and from your usual commercial or specialty store:
- Online Auctions - One may find a great bargain online when looking for cultured pearl earrings. The price tags you will see online are usually low to attract and gain share of the market. Make sure that you check whether the online retailer issues a proof of the quality of the pearls that they're selling. This proof may come in the form of a certificate of authenticity similar to the one issued to buyers of gold or diamond jewelry.
- Jewelry Websites - You can find good prices for pearl earrings from online shops. Just inquire about their method of delivery so you can make sure that the cultured pearl earrings will get to your doorstep in great condition.
- Jewelry Stores - Brick-and-mortar stores offering cultured pearl earrings have vast and great selections of pearls to offer. One major shopping concern though is usually the price, which tends to be higher than in e-commerce stores.
- Wholesalers - Jewelry wholesales may occur a few times in a year but shopping for pearl earrings from a wholesale seller is worth the wait and patience. Take advantage of the low rates but be very careful and look for high-quality pearls.
When buying cultured pearl earrings you may want to consider whether you want freshwater pearls or salt water pearls. You may also want to inquire where the pearls came from and what the credentials of the jewelry makers are.
Check for imperfections of the pearl by examining its surface for luster, nacre, bumps, shape, reflections, and cracks. If all is well, nothing beats the feeling of getting a discounted price for pearl earrings.
Keeping Cultured Pearl Earrings
Given that cultured pearls are very small, it will be wise to place them in your jewelry case or its container after use.
Cultured pearls are also best to be worn last when dressing up. Pearls easily absorb chemicals from perfumes or cosmetics and may affect its quality. Pearls also react to sweat and oil on our skin.
Pearls can be cleaned using mild soap and water. Just make sure that you dry them well before storing. From time to time, you can also use jewelry cleaners which are specially manufactured for pearls.
Use them with soft fabric or cloth damped with water. Avoid vigorous rubbing or brushing of the pearls since they are very sensitive and may get scratched or worse, get chipped off.
After cleaning let them dry in room temperature. Never use a hair blower to dry off cultured pearl earrings.
The high temperature may affect the quality of the pearls. Store the pearls separate from other hard jewelries which may scratch, dent, or crack its surface. A soft cloth pouch is best to store your culture pearl earrings. Victor Epand
The law requires metal to be marked by the maker and the metal quality. For sterling, the mark will be either the numbers 925 (meaning 92.5 % silver, which is sterling) or a "sterling" stamp with the words. Near the clasp should have the mark, it would be at the end of the chain if anything. Sometimes the mark is on a little flat looking ring at the end of the chain, so check around.
Sterling silver will tarnish and on some people it tarnishes quickly due to body chemistry, but on others it may never tarnish. To keep tarnish from happening, sterling is very often plated with another metal to protect the sterling and keep the tarnish from happening. The plating will be a metal called "rhodium" which is very bright or another metal recently used on silver that looks more the color of silver. However, the chain can be sterling and still have the plate on the outside to prevent tarnish.
Other than that, the only real way to tell if something is sterling silver is to test it. For example, like an acid test done by a jeweler. Generally a test will cost some money, not a lot, but maybe not worth it, depending on what you paid for the chain. On a large heavy chain, the test might be worth it, but that's all up to you.
I suggest thinking about where you got the chain from and whether or not you got it from an established business. An established business would serve little purpose in selling anything fake for sterling silver. Always look for both a sterling marks and a stamp or symbol for the manufacture as I said before. Both of those marks should be there.
Here's some information on how to tell if the gold on your bracelet is really gold. The chlorine in bleach is dangerous to gold jewelry, so it's best not to test gold in bleach, or else you'll ruin your jewelry. Stress points like where the metal has been hammered, bent over stones in prongs, formed by chain making machines and the like are the most affected by chlorine. Soldered areas are sometimes affected by chlorine. White gold is most easily damaged but apparently this happens with yellow gold also at stress points in the metal.
Chlorine will cause a darkening on gold, but on yellow gold it looks almost like a very pale gray color. White gold reacts the same way but sometimes goes darker. This is the chlorine reacting to the metals in karat gold. All jewelry metal of 18k, 14k and 10k has other metals in the recipe when the metal is made. Pure gold is mixed with mostly silver and copper (with nickel or palladium with white gold) to make metal strong enough for jewelry.
The karat mark shows how much pure gold is in the mix. For instance, pure gold is called 24k. Now, 10k will have 10 parts pure gold and 14 parts of the other metals, all adding up to 24 part. 18k gold will be 18 parts pure gold and 6 parts other metals, all adding up to 24 parts. That is how it goes with karats.
Yellow gold is not as dangerously affected by chlorine in bleach and a good buffing should make it ok, that is, if it is really gold. The best way to see if it is real karat gold is to have it tested. That means an acid test or a test using one of the newer electronic gold testers some jewelers use. That is what I would recommend.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
How To Get Fast Abs
Do you know that you can get the abs you have always wanted fast by setting aside most of the common things that you know about it? Engaging in countless sit-ups and crunches may help but there is more to getting fast abs than these two.
It is for certain that many people who want to get fast abs would like to know what they can do to achieve their desired results. Perhaps, you are one of these people who have gone to a great extent only to obtain little or disappointing results.
Don't worry. If you have just the right program, you will be able to get the fast abs that you have been wanting for so long. There are also some guides that will assist you to get the abs of your dreams.
First, you have to bear in mind that getting fast abs requires effort, dedication, and willpower on your part. You have to work hard to get the abs you want. But doing numerous sit-ups and crunches will not lead you to losing your stomach fats and give you the most admirable abdominal muscles beneath as fast as you would want them to be.
As a matter of fact, it is advisable that you change your existing workout program when all it does is to teach you to do limitless sit-ups and a lot of crunches. You have to find a program that will target the development of strong abdominal muscles while losing your stomach fast. This way, you can truly get fast abs that you desire.
The combination of eating the right diet and exercising regularly will also contribute significantly to build those abdominal muscles and lose unwanted fats. One should exercise some discipline in order to get fast abs.
You also have to be consistent in eating the right diet and engaging in your daily exercises. You should be able to incorporate your abdominal exercises into a routine to achieve fast abs. Sit-up and crunches, although part of your regimen, should not be all there is to your program.
In doing your exercises to get fast abs, you should also be able to learn how to breathe correctly. There is a proper way of breathing, inhaling when you relax and exhaling when you tighten your abdominal muscles.
In the exercises that you do to get fast abs, you should feel a burning sensation in your abdominal muscles. This is when you know that the exercises are working for you.
You can always have the fast abs that you desire. To sum up the above, you have to combine the correct way of doing the abdominal exercises with shedding off the layers of fats, which in turn you can do by eating the right diet and exercising on a daily basis.
The best thing is that you can also learn the secrets of getting fast abs when you avail the right program that will show you in detail what it takes and how to obtain the fast abs of your dreams.
By: C. Lawrence
Article Directory:
Quick Ab Workout
We all want to look good, gorgeous and simply irresistible. So when we look at ourselves in the mirror and notice those love handles bulging out like Santa's we all freak out, feel down and frustrated. Then we decide on losing weight. We declare that starting today "no more carbs" or we will go to the gym and "workout".
But then again, these are just declarations. When we get to see Mom's delicious home cooked beef casserole or Aunt's special pineapple upside down or we get to pass by McDonald's, we tend to say "It can start tomorrow right?" Others however, have more conviction and triumphantly wave the idea of pigging out.
Their problem however is that they find exercising hard and painful to endure. At the end they still don't get the results they wanted. People tend to want outcomes to show with the blink of an eye and if they don't get it overnight, they simply give up.
Everybody wants things to go quick and easy especially when losing those flabs. What we need then is a quick ab workout! A program, that will let us lose those love handles without eating too much of our time, energy and money. Something like what I'm about to share with you...
Imagine a workout program that will just take fifteen minutes of your time or less. A program, that can be done within the comforts of your home. A program that is incredibly easy to do and will show results in no time. And a workout program that won't cost you much money as compared to buying a hundreds of dollars worth equipment or a lifetime membership fee at Hollywood Gym.
I know what's happening inside your head right now. So better stop imagining yourself wearing your new washboard abs, and get down to business. These simple steps will target your upper, middle and lower abs so as your obliques. Just follow one full rotation of each exercise that will consist of ten repetitions. Take a minute interval after every exercise. You might need a bench and a workout mat.
The Bench Knee ins.
Sit on the bench. Hold the sides of the bench for support. Lift your legs to form a letter V then bend your knees. Do a push and pull motion with your legs.
The Ab Crunch
We all had PE in our high school days. So just do as how your PE instructor taught you to. You weren't be absent when your PE teacher discussed and demonstrated this. Or you were?!
The Leg Raise
Lie down and have your hands at the back of your head. Lift your legs up and down slowly. Do not bend your knees.
The Oblique Crunch
Sport the Ab crunch position. As you work on the sit-ups, twist your upper body to your right and left alternately.
The Elbows to Knees.
Lie down in the Ab crunch position. Let your right elbow reach your left knee and vice versa.
This workout program is guaranteed to show good results. With the aid of good diet and cardio, (of course!) you will surely get those six packs you've been dreaming of. So what are you waiting for? Grab your workout mat and do these easy steps and start losing those love handles and be ready for those envious stares you will get anytime soon!
By: Kelly Purden
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Truth About Six Pack Abs - Revealed
Look at yourself lately and realized that you weren't as fit as you were before? Then you must have also noticed that the abs you once had have also disappeared. The truth about six pack abs is that they won't stay forever, not unless you keep up the same exercise you did before. But that was then and of course, life is a lot busier now.
You might have also forgotten the same healthy habits that you had before and that could have also contributed to you losing your abs. So perhaps you are wondering what can be done now that you are beyond your "teenage" years. The truth about six pack abs is that you can get them back through exercise and using a proper program.
However, if you haven't been exercising in a while, this might seem a lot harder on you than on people who continuously keep their exercise routines as well as their healthy diets. So where does one begin? At the gym, of course! The truth about six pack abs is that everyone wants to have them. As such, one look at the machines in your local gym and you will immediately see just how many machines there are that are dedicated to working out your abdominal area. Just goes to show how many people are interested in getting the coveted six pack.
There are exercises as well such as sit ups that were designed to tone your abdominal area. But the truth about six pack abs is that exercise alone is not enough to get you the abs you want. You would also need a good program, one that would be able to aid you on your way to achieving your goals. A complete change in lifestyle would also help a lot.
If you have become quite dependent on fast food and have been feasting on smoothies and all things fattening then you need to stop and do a 180. Change your diet and you will immediately see changes. Though not in your abdominal area just yet because you see, the truth about six pack abs is that no one would be able to achieve them in a few weeks after you started the program. It does take time and a lot of effort as well as discipline from you to follow through what you have started
With the help of a good and effective program, you would be able to get settled in a routine. Routines are good because once you continuously do them, you get used to the idea and it becomes natural for you. In this case, that would be exercise and eating healthier. Not only would this help you achieve the abs you want, but in the long run it would also make you a healthier person which is really the most important thing here and should be your first priority.
In some cases, people go on diets in order to lose weight thinking that if they do lose weight, they would also be able to get six pack abs. But that is not the case; in fact, doing something like that would hinder you more instead of actually helping you. So, remember regular exercise and a good and proven program are the best and healthiest ways towards achieving six pack abs.
By: Kelly Purden
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Monday, December 1, 2008
Happiness Tips: Make The Decision To Be Happy
by By: Warren H Wojnowski
Are you happy? Have you actually made the decision to be happy in your life?
Do you have fun living your life each day? Are you having fun living your life today, right now?
If not, why not?
Wouldn’t it be terrific to wake up in the morning full of gratitude for the opportunity to live a great life today, and then to go out and live it? How would that make you feel? What would that look like for you? What would it sound like?
You can have all of that, and you can experience all of that; and you can begin to have this right now, starting today.
Do you believe me? Clearly there is something inside of you that, at the very least, wants to believe these words.
I spent 23 years of my adult life (not to mention most of my formative childhood years) believing that I had to live my life according to someone else’s rules. I was locked into a formula that was essentially prescribed to me by the environment (parents, schools, government, church, etc.) in which I was raised.
It went something like this: get a good education, get a good job, work hard and keep your nose to the grindstone, scrimp and save your money, put off what you’d love to do until later, avoid taking any risks, and if you’re lucky you’ll get to enjoy yourself in your twilight years.
Does this sound vaguely familiar?
In my particular case, it actually was working out reasonably well. I had a “good job”, was earning a reasonable salary and had achieved a degree of success in my life. Or at least that’s how it appeared on the outside.
But on the inside, I was miserable. I was caught up in the struggle of my day-to-day life – quite literally choosing to make it a struggle without ever realizing that’s what I was doing. I was in a sleep walk of day-to-day drudgery. I was most definitely not living the life of my dreams, the life I love.
Until one day I simply decided it was time to stop. I chose to wake up.
Finally there came a day when I simply couldn’t take it anymore and so I made the decision that it was time to stop. I made the decision to change the way I was living and to jump off of the treadmill. I made the decision to change my life. I made the decision to begin living my life on my terms.
The effect was magical. A thousand pound weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt relieved. I felt alive. I felt inspired. I began actually enjoying my life.
And so now here I am suggesting to you that you can begin to live the life you want – the life you love – right now beginning today.
Because all it really takes is for you to make the decision.
Oh, I know that sounds simplistic. Yet it’s true, and deep down there’s a part of you that knows it’s true.
By truly making that decision – that single, mental decision – everything changes. Everything changes because your perspective changes.
For me, my decision led to some very explicit actions. I resigned from my job and decided to build my own business with my wife Michelle, from home. Frankly I had no idea how any of it was going to work and how we’d be able to pay the bills or keep the kids fed and clothed, except that I believed it would. Looking back now, I suppose I just knew it would.
Well, go figure, things have worked out beautifully. The sky didn’t fall. The world didn’t end. Things have certainly changed, mind you. We don’t hang out with all of the same people we used to. Our activities have become more focused on family and friends as opposed to fitting things around my job. We live a much more relaxed life. We have more fun. We have fun every day.
What about you? What do you love? What are the things you’d love to do right now with your life? Can you feel them calling you?
If you can, then listen to and follow them. For there is one thing that is absolutely true: there is no need to struggle in your life. You make real whatever you believe is real. This is the basic law of the universe, the law of attraction.
So the first thing to do is to let go of the notion that it’s different for you ,or that somehow you are not allowed to live the life you want. Let go of the notion that you’re somehow not deserving of that privilege. Stop marginalizing yourself.
You deserve to be happy and enjoy your life. That’s the whole point of living – to experience the joy of it.
Yes, the entire idea of following your bliss can be extremely frightening. And fear leads to all sorts of wild emotions, but that’s part of being human. Remember though, fear is all in your head. It’s all about what you imagine might happen. Those wild emotions that you feel as a result of your fears need not define you.
In his book, Conversations With God, Neale Donald Walsh tells us we have three tools of creation. They are thought, words, and action. It is your thoughts, your words, and your actions that define you – for they are the summation of who you are being.
So this begs the question, who do you want to be?
Get in touch with your own truth about who you want to be and then start being that person right now, today. Begin to live your passion and enjoy your life. It’s much easier than you suspect. It’s remarkably easy to let the “how” unfold; just let your inspiration be your guide.
Your inspiration will never misguide you. By being focused on who and what you want to be, you will be inspired to think the thoughts, speak the words and take the actions that make that being your reality. The more you are being, the more you’ll be doing and the more you’ll be having what you want. The more you will be living the life that you love. And so the circle repeats, over and over, with each cycle more strongly reinforcing who you are and what you love to be.
It’s a magnificent thing. It’s freedom.
And so now it is time for you to begin your path to living the life you love. Begin living the life you want right now.
Begin by making the decision to be happy with your life right now. Begin today.
source :
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Social Media Marketing: The Key To A Strong Internet Presence
The internet is one of the biggest and most volatile markets ever created by man and it is still growing everyday. The opportunities created by having a website are limitless. Businesses and privately practicing professionals also look at websites as their link to the millions of internet users which increases every single day. From small to medium sized to huge online and offline companies consider the internet as one effective way to market their names, brands and images. However, the fact remains that with millions of sites, how does one keep their online presence on top of the others? The answer to this is in social bookmarking services and social media optimization services.
Social bookmarking services involve strategies related to search engine optimization. This concept, also called Web 2.0 Marketing, involves different techniques to increase a site’s search engine ranking and web social ranking thus driving up the traffic to your website. For most online businesses this also equals to hiking up sales and profits. Although the efficiency of social bookmarking is undeniable, many website owners and administrators do not know how to do this. While steps may be done to increase a website’s internet presence, others hire internet marketing experts because the processes and methods involved can be very time consuming.
With the concept of social bookmarking, website traffic and online presence is increased to the point that a significant rise in the rankings of major search engines like Google and Yahoo is created. The methods include creating of links to high Page Rank sites, directory listing and submissions, and even article submissions. Using social bookmarking for internet marketing is considered a must for every website that has serious intentions of creating high quality links from high quality sites.
Social media optimization, on the other hand, is closely related to social bookmarking. Although both of them are methods for search engine optimization, the concept of social media optimization is a bit different. Social media optimization or Web 2 Marketing Buzz involves the graphical design and optimization of the actual website in order to attract social networking users. Attracting social networks encourages them to bookmark your website, thus increasing the probability of being included in a wide and active network of internet users. This concept includes having attractive site graphics and layout that is perfect for the website’s targeted audience and readers. An example of social media optimization is when useful widgets like “Digg This” or “Add to” are added on the website’s strategic locations. Being socially media optimized can mean the rise of your website from simple existence to being part of the top ranking and most noticeable websites.
Both social bookmarking and social media optimization require work. It involves details and regular updating. The most practical and best way for a site to become search engine optimized is by acquiring both social bookmarking services and social media optimization services from experts in this field. Doing so would free the website owner and the administrator a lot of tedious and time consuming work while getting the desired benefits within a timeframe.
When looking for internet marketing experts, one can have many options depending on the desired results. Take a look at the packages offered and find one that suits your needs. Reading about the company’s background and accomplishments can give you an idea of how good and reliable it is.
By: searchrankpros
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Good Seo Gets Affordable
Search engine optimization or SEO is the most red-hot method to drive targeted hits to your website. Increasing the benefits of a well optimized website will bear heaps of profits for the marketer. Yet, optimizing your web site may cost you thousands of bucks if you're not expert in this field.
Simply put, you may find info about cheap SEO anyplace on the Internet. But few actually reveal to you how to shape a low-cost SEO effort. Among those few is this report.
1. Link exchanges
One affordable SEO technique that may bring you top results is through link exchanges. Depending upon the sites that you'd care to exchange links with, this tool could be a freebie. Contact the WebMaster of the site you would like to exchange with. You'll be amazed with the ultimate spiking of your page ranking by practicing this way of website optimization.
2. Write or find key word rich content
Writing genuinely revealing and keyword-rich content is one surefire technique to make your Internet business more viewable than ever. Either you pen your own articles or you acquire them from article directories that permit you to post them on your website as long as you retain the resource box . But don't choke up your articles with keywords that even idiots would get bored reading . The readability and novelty of your content will be the foundation on whether your visitors will continue returning to your site or not.
3. Attention-getting Domain Name
What more effective way to get your target visitors to remember your website but with a really easy-to-recall domain name. Something short and sweet will prove to be invaluable. Registering your domain name is very inexpensive. But the value of creativity is priceless.
4. Engineer your site navigation
Furnishing simple steps to navigate your site is one way to help your visitors become at ease at your site. This will improve the flow of traffic to your website.
Inexpensive SEO is forever developing as is any other approach in information technology. There are plenty of methods that could very well land you in the top ten rankings of Google or on other search engines. Some could cost a lot but there are techniques that could yield similar results at a low cost or you may do yourself with little effort. These easy, yet very powerful techniques, outlined in this article are worth your time to get good at using on your websites.
By: Bob Kimball
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