Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Type 2 Diabetes Diet, Diet For Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes Diet, Diet For Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is prevalent in the world today. With Type 2 Diabetes, the body either cannot produce enough insulin or the cells do not recognize it in the blood. Absorbing insulin is critical to the body. Without it the body cannot convert glucose into energy that it needs to function. Glucose is the sugar that food produces and when the body breaks down for energy.

When glucose cannot be broken down and absorbed, your blood cells will not get the energy that they need to keep your body going. This in turn can lead to serious and life threatening conditions such as blindness, kidney damage and heart complications.

Since both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are major health issues it is important to consult you doctor before starting any new diet or exercise plan. Your doctor can get you started in the right direction and recommend a dietician who specializes in the type 2 diabetic diet.

The dietician can help taylor a customized diabetic meal plan to your specific needs. There will be foods that are for the most part off limits but in most cases moderation is the key to combating this disease and the health issues it is directly responsible for.

Once again, a big part losing weight for those with Type 2 diabetes it to cut down on sugar. It is particularly important to make sure their sugar level does not rise rapidly, and then decrease rapidly.

It is recommended that they also eat smaller meals, but more often, rather than having three large meals a day. If you also want to see how you are doing for the first part of your diet, try keeping a journal. Record exactly what you eat, and how many calories it contained approximately.

If you are overweight, it is important to lose the excess weight, however it is critical that you do it in an all-natural way. Do not take dietary supplements or start a diet without consulting your physician first. Diabetics who are overweight double their risk of getting heart disease.

They also have a higher risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure, which can also lead to heart disease. A nutritionist can create the perfect dietary plan that will taste great and assist you in losing the weight that you need.

When you were first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or pre-diabetes, you heard that magic word, diet. You were told by your health care provider you needed to follow a whole new eating plan!

Now I appreciate that was not want you wanted to hear. If you are overweight, you don’t have time to lose. Here is what you need to know now: any diet that helps you take in fewer calories than you are used to taking in will help you lose weight, whether it is high or low in carbohydrates, fat or protein.

By: John Adison
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